T w e n t y

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Waking up the next morning I smile at the fact that today is my date with Daniel. I have no idea what he has planned for today, all he told me was to dress casual and to wear a bathing suit. I go into my closet and decide on a simple blue and white stripped bathing suit top with white bottoms.  I grab a pair of black shorts and decide that the bathing suit top kinda looks like a tank top so I don't grab a t-shirt.

I hear something coming from the lake and peering out the window I see that it's Daniel on his sea-doo coming over to the boat house. Rushing downstairs I put on my flip flops and head over to him.

"You look beautiful," Daniel says to me when I get closer to him.

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself," I respond blushing slightly.

"Thank you, shall we?" He asks holding out a hand for me to take.

I take his hand and get onto the sea-doo putting my lifejacket on as soon as I'm on. Daniel gets on right after I do, I grab ahold of his waist and he drives off.

"Where are we going?" I ask curiosity seeping through me.

"That my lady is a surprise," he says turning his head to me.

Sighing since I know he won't tell me anything I just enjoy the sea-doo ride and pay attention to our surroundings. Looking around I notice that its the same area as to where Daniel took me the day before my birthday, I smile to myself at the memory of the first time we actually shared a moment.

Daniel pulls up to the dock so we can get off. I help him tie off the sea-doo and then I follow him off to where we are going to go. I look around at the pretty scenery, all of a sudden Daniel stops and I barely even noticed that he did.

"Where you going E-squared?" He asks when he noticed I wasn't pay attention.

"I don't know," I say shrugging and walking back over to him. He laughs slightly and places down the basket that I didn't notice he was carrying. Daniel pulls out a blanket and lays it down for us to sit on.  He sits down first and I follow his lead.

"So I uh didn't really know what your favourite foods to eat on a picnic so I kinda had Jack help me," Daniel tells me rubbing the back of his neck nervously.  Unsure of what to say, I just nod my head and give him a small smile.

Daniel then pulls out a bunch of containers consisting of a bunch of different foods, from at a glance I'm able to see fruits and sandwiches and one container filled with cookies. Daniel notices me eyeing the container filled with cookies and he laughs slightly.

"Beth told Jack that you'd drool over them as soon as you saw them," He explains.

"Yeah cookies are kinda my favourite," I say blushing.

"You can have them after desert," He says moving the container out of reach.

"Fine," I tease pouting.  He laughs and opens the container for the sandwiches.

"Here eat this."

"Thank you," I respond taking one of the sandwiches. Taking a bite I'm instantly greeted by ham and cheese with a hint of mustard.

"So what's your favourite part about Beaconsfield so far?" I question once I swallow the food that was in my mouth.

"Its hard to say, I've been loving every part of it, the people, the community, so I can't say I have one favourite thing. How about you?"

"Its tough, but I think my favourite part is Readers Galore."

"Readers Galore?" Daniel questions.

"Yeah, its a little book store owned by Clarissa Hart, its been around for a long time and I love exploring it," I explain blushing.

"That sounds really cool," Daniel says to me smiling.

We eat the rest of our food in silence and then decide to go for a swim in the lake. Daniel jumps into the lake first and I laugh at how goofy he was when he cannonballed in. But I follow suit and jump in after him. Coming up to the surface I swim close to Daniel before pushing a bunch of water onto him.

"Hey that's not very nice," He says to me while I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.


Daniel and I laugh, swim and eat the cookies for a few hours before he decides that maybe we should head back.

When we get back to my place its closer to dinner time.

"Thank you, I had a lot of fun," I tell him outside the front door.

"I did too, see you tomorrow E-Squared?" He says to me.

"Yup, I'll see you tomorrow Daniel," I say smiling back and kissing his cheek before heading inside.

As soon as I get inside I go straight upstairs to my loft to change and reminisce about the date. I eat a quick dinner with my parents before heading back upstairs to read until I fall asleep.

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