Chapter 26 - Valhalla

Start from the beginning

"No," Indy replied. "I came up a white tree, I didn't see any Valkyries." 

"Odin preserve us," Gammon swore. "You climbed Yggdrasil, the great tree of life? You are a braver man than I. But why did you risk your life to come here." 

"I am trying to save the tower of Eden. That berserker there holds a key," Indy said as he pointed to the monster. "I need that key to continue on my fight to save my people and if I fail, all my friends will die."  

"A noble quest it is," Gammon said. 

"I need your help, I don't think I can do this alone. Will you help me?" Indy asked, pointing at the mob of men surrounding the monster. 

"Aye Indy, I will help you." Gammon took a hunters horn from his thick leather belt and blew two shrill notes. The men in the chamber paused their assault to look their way. 

Gammon bellowed at his fellow warriors. "The champion of Eden and climber of Yggdrasil asks a boon of this great hall. His quest takes him from this hall through the locked portal of Valhalla. As you all know, the berserker holds the only known key. My friend here requests passage to the great beast. Shall we aid our fellow warrior in his time of need?"  

"Aye!" The warriors shouted and parted to make a wide path leading to the hill. 

Gammon walked the path of warriors at Indy's shoulder. Men bowed their heads in respect as they both passed. In seconds, they stood at the base of the hill looking up at the blue-skinned berserker. Behind him, the rows of warriors formed a ring around them. Gammon slapped his shoulder with a heavy hand as the warrior nodded and stepped away. 

The berserker leaned down to glare at Indy with a pair of dark hostile eyes. Its breath blew into Indy's face as the beast huffed its obvious disapproval of him. Its breath smelled of rotting flesh and sour wine. The beast stood up to its full height and bellowed a challenge at him. Indy prepared to move but something was nagging him at the back of his mind. Instead, he started to circle the base of the hill, trying to buy his brain time to think.  

Indy worked his shoulders trying to loosen them up when it finally dawned on him what was wrong. Gammons slap had stung. It was a small pain but... the dragon tattoo was not protecting him. The realization came too late. Large three fingered hands reached down from above to grab him. Air rushed by his face as the berserker lifted him high over its head.  

Indy looked down on the berserker's fiery red hair and down further to the giant warriors surrounding the base of the hill. A hush filled the room as Indy looked down among the warriors. He found Gammon's one eye looking back up at him. Gammon smiled and nodded at Indy. His one good eye winked. 

Hope flooded Indy as Gammon raised a hand and dropped it. The berserkers grip relaxed slightly as it realized what was about to happen. 

"Charge!" Shouted Gammon.  

The ring of warriors around the hill flooded forward. Indy reached down the berserkers face to grab hold of one of its long tusks. With a tremendous heave, Indy pulled it, as the berserker started to kick at the rushing warriors. Several men had grabbed hold of the beast's giant legs and tried to bring it down. The berserker released its hold on Indy as it tried to swat the warriors off its legs. Indy was left to dangle from one long tusk. For a moment, the key was at his eye level. A furious shake of the berserkers head caused Indy to slip and almost let go of his hold.  

Indy struggled to maintain his grip as he was flung back and forth. For an instant, the beast's head stopped moving and the key swung around its neck in front of him. Seizing the chance Indy grabbed for the key with both hands.  

Indy landed heavily on the hill but didn't have time to stop and catch his breath. A three-toed foot stomped down and kicked him backwards through the press of bodies. He soared over their heads and landed hard against the stone wall. Indy lay there panting and out of breath. Pain flooded through his right arm and shoulder from smashing into the wall. A dark shadow suddenly blocked the light from the room and rough hands seized him and lifted him back onto his feet. 

"Well done, well done indeed," Gammon said. "We almost had him that time." 

Indy held up one fist. When he opened his hand, a small gold key lay on his palm.  

Gammon gave a little bow. "A fine fought battle my friend. But my battle still rages on. Until we meet again. Good luck." The warrior turned and sprinted back to the hill. 

Indy turned from the lopsided battle to regard the door that was decorated with a silver circle and crossed with two swords.  

The small keyhole accepted the gold key and turned with a soft click. Indy left the battle raging behind him and stepped through the door. 

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