Chapter Three

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At lunch, I suddenly remember that I hadn't put my ribbon back in my hair.  I pulled it out of my pocket, and was about to tie my hair back, when I saw there was something wrong.

"My ribbon is ripped!  Half of it is gone!" 

It was true.  Half of my ribbon was gone, a big rip where the rest of it had been.  I frowned as I realized that Draco must have the other half.  I'll never get it back now.

"Dammit, he's got the rest of my ribbon!  How am I supposed to get it back now?"  I glared at my food.

"All you have to do is cast reparo on it."  Logan says, then stops himself.

"Wait, you have to have both parts of the ribbon if you want to repair it...". 

"Ah Logan.  What would we ever do without your smarts?"  Cassie interjects.

"You guys know my grandma gave me this ribbon.  She doesn't have a lot of time left, and I really treasure it."  I try to stay calm.  "She means so much to me."

"We'll go get it back for you girly, hang on."  Cassie and Logan start to stand up, but I quickly grab their hands.

"Don't.  I'm sure if you say something, he'll destroy it even more."  I couldn't let that ribbon be any more torn up than it already was.

"Then what do you suggest we do?"  Cassie says, sitting back down. 

I shake my head.  "I don't know.  Gosh, I'm sorry guys, I'm making such a fuss over a ribbon..."

"It's alright Katrina, we all have something that's really important to us that we would never want to lose.  We understand."  Logan says, and Cassie nods.

"Thank you."  I say gratefully.  I put my torn ribbon back in my pocket.  "I'll come up with an idea."

The only idea I could come up with was to confront him myself.  We had two more classes together today- transfiguration and potions.  I knew Snape would tear me to shreds if I tried to talk during his class, so it left me with transfiguration. 

But I didn't have to ask him today.  The houses we had classes with were different every day.  So if I had potions with Slytherin today, I might have potions with Ravenclaw tomorrow.  I knew I would have some kind of class with him. 

I decided to wait.  I needed to think of what I could do, and think of a way to not make him mad.

I don't know if that would be possible, but a girl can only try.


It's dinner time, and I've been biting my fingernails all day since I figured out that Draco had the rest of my ribbon. I always did that when I was nervous or worried, I couldn't help it.

My friends had left me alone to my thoughts. It was hard for me to think about anything else than that ribbon, and they knew it.

Dinner ended, and I held my ribbon tightly in my hand.  I looked through the crowd, and found who I was looking for: Draco.

I started walking towards him, but I was so focused on him that I tripped over somebody's robe.  I fell down, hitting my chin against the hard floor, biting my tongue.  To try to stop myself from completely falling, I put my arms out in front of me, trying to cushion the blow, and the rest of my ribbon fell out of my hand.  "Ugh, dammit!"  I say, holding my jaw in pain. 

"Katrina!  What happened?"  Cassie calls, reaching out and helping me up. 

"I tripped and bit my tongue, now it's bleeding, and I lost the rest of my ribbon."  I looked all over the floor, but it was gone. 

I tried not to let myself cry.  Even if I was able to get Draco to give me my ribbon back, I would never get the other half back. 

"Oh Katrina...".  Cassie hugged me softly, and I hugged her back. 

"Today sucks!  It's the first day of my fourth year and I lost my ribbon, fell down, and bit my tongue."  I shake my head.

"It'll turn up, Katrina.  Right now, I think you should rest. Come on, let's go to our dorm.  Let's see what we can do about your tongue.  Wow, that sounds weird doesn't it?"  She laughed at the end, and it made me laugh softly too.

We walked back to the dorm, and I sat down on one of the couches, sighing.  Cassie told Logan what had happened, and he gave me a hug. 

"Let me cast a healing spell on your tongue, Katrina.  Wow, that sounds weird."  Logan said, pulling out his wand.

"I know right, that's what I said!"  Cassie says.

"Episky."  Logan says, and I feel my tongue heal, the pain fading away.  I also felt the pain in my chin go away too.

I sigh in relief.  "Thank you Logan.  I feel better already."

"No problem."  He puts his wand away and sits back down, reading a quidditch magazine.

"I just can't believe I lost it.  I can't believe I could be so careless!"  I shake my head and stare at the ground.  "I'm so stupid."

"Katrina!  You aren't stupid.  It's just bad luck, and it's just a bad day.  We'll find it, don't worry.  We'll get both parts of it and we'll fix it, okay?"  Cassie rubs my back soothingly.

"I guess..." I say, but I didn't believe it.

"Let's get to bed.  I'm tired, I'm sure you two are as well."  Cassie says, helping me up. 

Logan nods.  "Good night, sleep tight."  He walks away to his dorm room, chatting with another boy along the way.

Cassie and I both walk to our room, and I immediately lay down on the bed.

"Good night."  I mumble, tucking myself in.  I was exhausted.

"Good night, Katrina."  Cassie answers.

I turn the light off, and it grows dark.

It's hard to sleep, because all I can think about is my lost ribbon.

A Touch in the Dark~A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now