Chapter Eight

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I quickly hid around the corner, holding my notebooks close to my chest.

Why didn't I run? Why didn't I sneak away?

I was a naturally curious person, so heck yeah I was going to spy on Draco.

I listened closely, and it only took a few moments for me to realize that Draco's dad was angry.

"And what's this about your potions grade? A B? Unacceptable! You know that you have to keep a steady A in all of your classes! Potions is your best subject!"

"Father, I've been a bit unwell recently, and-"

"I don't want to hear excuses, Draco. You haven't been unwell. You're distracted. I don't know what by, but I can see it on your face. If you don't get your act together and bring your grades up, don't even bother to come home for Christmas, or for summer! I didn't raise a failure, so act like it."

I hear sharp footsteps leading away, down the other side of the hall. His dad was leaving, and I knew I needed to get out of here before Draco came this way.

I started toward the Hufflepuff common room, but I had only gotten a few steps before I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, and I saw Draco, his face sad and frowning.

We locked eyes, and I froze. Draco scoffed at me, then made his way down the hallway away from me. Before he could change his mind and start yelling at me, I hurried away.


I munched on my toast the next morning, thinking about what I had heard last night. Draco wasn't at breakfast this morning.

Why did I care if Draco was here or not? Was it because I still haven't thanked him?

Yeah, that's it. There's no other reason. I just feel obligated.

I ate my eggs and thought about my potions lesson after breakfast.

Potions. I have potions with Slytherin today. Will Draco be there?...

Of course he will.  If what I heard last night was true, then he should be there, studying to get his grade back up.

I never really thought about Draco being so smart.  I thought he would be an average student. 

People surprise me all the time.

After breakfast, I realize that I had forgotten my textbook in the dorm, so I hurried and grabbed it, then rushed back to the classroom.

When I got there, I was late.  I bit my lip and looked around the room.  Thankfully, Snape was writing on the chalkboard, and I found an empty chair; right next to Draco.

I don't have a choice.

As quickly and as quietly as I could, I sat down in the chair next to Draco.

Snape didn't even turn around when he said, "Thank you for joining us, Miss Henswell. Five points from Hufflepuff."

I heard snickers from Slytherin and groans from Hufflepuff. I looked down at my desk and mentally slapped myself. I glanced over at Draco.

He hadn't laughed at me, but he also hadn't looked at me. I set my books down on the table quietly, opening my textbook and notebook, taking out my quill.

My hands shook as I wrote my notes down, feeling Draco's presence beside me. Suddenly, Draco slides a note over to me. I read it cautiously, hoping Snape wouldn't see.

If you tell anyone what you heard last night, I'll do more than take your ribbon, got it?

My eyes widened at his threat, and I nodded, staring straight ahead. He took the note back, and I swallowed.

The rest of the class was pure torture. I didn't dare look to my side, because Draco could be doing anything, planning to hurt me, or glaring at me.

Finally, the class was over, and I hurriedly stood out of my chair and grabbed my books, but I felt Draco grab my arm, then hiss in my ear.

"Don't forget what I told you." His voice actually sounded a bit scared.

I looked into his eyes, and they wavered. I nodded. "I'm sorry about what he said to you." And I was. I couldn't imagine having a parent like that, I was lucky to have supporting, understanding parents. Maybe this contributed to the way he acted?

His face twisted, and his nails dug into the sleeve of my robe. "Don't you dare pity me, Hensworth. You should pity yourself. Stay out of my business." He let go of my arm, and left the classroom.

I had said the wrong thing. I shouldn't have said anything at all. I realized that I should just forget about trying to thank him for saving me.


In Charms that day, I met a fourth year Gryffindor. His name was Carter, and we suddenly seemed to get along very well. He was quite handsome, and seemed very nice. The professor had to tell us to be quiet and pay attention to the lesson because we were talking so much. By the time class was over, I had forgotten all about Draco's threat.

At lunch, I told my friends about him. Cassie wiggles her eyebrows at me, but Logan looked worried.

"Carter Lenman, huh? The whole quidditch team talks about him sometimes... They tell me stuff about him, or maybe they're rumors, I'm not sure."

I frown. "What do they say about him?"

He sighs. "Supposedly, he's known to be a womanizer or something.  He's always around girls, he seems to date a new girl every week.  At least, that's what my teammates tell me.  I don't really pay attention to them too much...".  

Logan just kind of contradicted himself, and I don't even know if he realized he did it, but Cassie and I knew what he meant. 

"Well, he seemed really nice.  And no Cassie, don't wiggle your eyebrows at me.  I don't want to date him.  I just want to be friends.  He's got some really funny stories." 

"Just be careful, okay?  If Logan is right, then you might want to steer clear."  Cassie warned.

"I'll be fine Cassie."

I didn't tell them what happened with Draco.  It didn't seem to be taking up as much space in my brain than before, so I decided I'd tell them some other time.

A Touch in the Dark~A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now