Chapter Ten

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I was awoken by a panicked voice.

"Oh my God!  Katrina, are you okay?  What did he do to you?"  It was Cassie, yelling in my face. 

I groaned and put my hand against my forehead, a huge headache making itself known. 

"Cassie, move out of the way so the professors can take a look."  Logan said from behind her.  Cassie moved, and Professor Mcgonagall took her place, her face scrunched with worry. I was in the infirmary.  Again.

"Oh my dear Katrina, I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I never could have thought that Carter would do such a thing!  Don't worry dear, he's been expelled, and he'll never be allowed here again.  Please, please forgive us for our impotence." 

I had a conversation with her and Dumbledore for a while, my friends staying away from us so we could have some privacy.  After we had finished the conversation, my friends walked back over to me, but Draco was walking right behind them.  My eyes widened. 

"Draco-,"  Cassie said in an annoyed voice, but Draco seemingly annoyed her, was at my side before my friends.

"Are you okay?"  He asked, concern in his eyes. 

I nodded, not sure what to say.  He had saved me, again.

"Oh, here's your wand," he said, setting it on the table beside me.

"Thank you," I said, and I meant it for so many things, not just my wand.

He reached his hand toward mine, but he pulled it back.

So I reached my hand out and grabbed his. We were both surprised at my action, but I was even more surprised when he squeezed my hand.

"Thank you." I said again. I looked him in the eyes, and he looked into mine. "Why do you keep saving me?"

"Why do you always need to be saved?"

I pulled my hand back. "Do you think I do this on purpose?"

He shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that. I just... I don't understand why these things happen to you."

I laughed bitterly. "You and me both."

Draco opened his mouth to say something else, but Cassie pushed him away. "It's our turn, Malfoy. No one wants you here."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Draco had already turned and walked off.

"Cassie! He literally saved my life. More than once! I want him here." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Draco pause right before opening the door to leave.

I called out to him, "You can stay. Please stay."

He turned and looked at me, and I saw the tiniest smile on his face. But all he said was, "I need to do homework." And he left.

I sighed and lates back down. 

"What was that about?  Did you really want him to stay?"  Cassie asked.

I glared at Cassie.  "Yes, I wanted him to stay."

"Do you have a thing for him or something?"  She asked suspiciously.

"Of course not!  Like I just said, he saved my life.  I wanted to talk to him and thank him."

"But... it's Draco Malfoy!"  Cassie sounded exasperated.

"So?  He can be an ass, but he definitely wasn't one when he saved me.  You need to learn some manners or something." 


"Guys!  Stop arguing, it's not helping Katrina's health.  Cassie, she's right, that was rude.  You can't just tell people no one wants them around, even if it is Draco Malfoy."  Logan said.

Cassie rolled her eyes.  "You guys both suck.  I'm not apologizing."

This time I rolled my eyes.  "Whatever."

Logan sighed.  "How are you feeling?  What happened?"

I frown and look away.  "Carter tried to... force himself on me."

"Oh my god, I knew it! I'm going to kill that asshole! He's going to regret that he was ever born!" Cassie seemed to have forgotten all about our argument about Draco now.

"The quidditch players were telling the truth about him.  Cassie, I'm right with ya, I'll kill him too."  Logan clenched his fists.

"He's been expelled, so unfortunately killing him is off the table.  But thanks for your support."  I smiled at both of them.  "I can't believe I'm on the infirmary again.  I honestly think I might be cursed.  Why is all of this happening to me?  Something is wrong."  I had no explanation as to what was causing all of these bad things to happen.  They simply couldn't be coincidences. 

"Is there anybody who might be mad at you?  Who might be out to get you?  You're so nice, I wouldn't think anyone would want to hurt you."  Logan said.

I shook my head.  "I don't know.  But these can't be coincidences.  Something isn't right.  I have to figure it out.  Will you guys help me?"

"Of course we will help!  I'm not sure what we can do, but we will do anything to help you figure this out."  Cassie told me, and Logan nodded.

"Thank you." I say.  "I'm tired.  I think I am going to sleep for now.  Could you bring me my homework whenever possible?"

"Look at you, worrying about homework when your in the infirmary for the umpteenth time.  Of course we will bring you your homework.  Go ahead and rest."  Logan gave me a one armed hug, and so did Cassie.

I waved goodbye to them and closed my eyes.  I had to find out what was causing these things to happen. 

I wonder if Draco would help me too?

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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