(★) 𝕤𝕖𝕩ᶠᵒʳᵗʸ-ᶠᵒᵘʳ

Start from the beginning

Erogenous zones...what are they?
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Should teenagers have sex?
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Finger yourself PROPERLY!!!
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Does sex hurt during your first time? The TRUTH.
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Korei couldn't help herself, finding the title to be rather interesting. Does sex hurt during your first time? Should it? She found herself wanting to know so that she'd be ready. It's not like she was going to suddenly have sex with Hanta! She just suddenly felt like she should be looking into it. Isn't it a little odd that she's a seventeen-year-old girl who's never thought about sex except for right now? Shouldn't her hormones be booming or something?

Reading the article had her even more confused than before. What is a 'g-spot' and what is her 'cervix?' What the heck even is sex? She was told that it was when a guy and a girl made a baby, she understood that part and the intercourse part, but what is all of this stuff that she's suddenly being introduced to? What the heck is anal? Maybe there was an educational video about sex? Maybe she could figure out what it was through that!

videos about sex [search] !

Korei was surprised and very disturbed when she saw the videos that had popped up. Her eyes widened and she nearly dropped her phone onto the bed, internally freaking out. If Hanta knew she was looking at things like this then he'd probably be very disgusted by her. The people were naked! None of it was educational! She hurried to turn her volume down, hoping that she wouldn't get caught by anyone. Her eyes were trained on the door, going quiet to listen and see if anyone was walking towards the room. Once she had established that she was in the clear, she went back to scrolling through these videos and links.

Hardcore, fast sex!
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Busty blonde gets all holes STUFFED and resized!!!
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Busting in that pussy and making her beg...
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Listen to her cry for daddy's cock! HOT!
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Get FREE videos from HOT SINGLES in your area!
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Message and Fuck!
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Slow and sensual first time. Multiple orgasms!
[watch video] ! | [ignore]

Korei was now fully intrigued. What did this video mean by 'multiple orgasms?' What's an orgasm? Should she look that up separately or watch the video? This video is almost forty minutes long! What the heck? She's not gonna sit and watch all of that!? She decided to skip through and try to find the orgasm part, wanting to know what that was and what it looked like. She just saw the two people going at it like they were bunnies. Oh man, the sight made her stomach twist and she suddenly felt all fuzzy again. Is it okay if she thinks of her and Hanta doing those things? It's not like she'd actually do them! She just wanted to...fantasize. The thought of letting him touch her in such an intimate way made her whole body tingle. Her heart lept into her chest and she was literally bright red.

Her golden-brown hues were trained so intently on her phone screen that she didn't even realize Hanta enter the room. His black hair was still damp but he was wearing clothes, unlike the people in the video she was watching. The people that she was picturing as her and her boyfriend. Hanta found it quite adorable that she was blushing so much but he was a little worried that she had a fever or something. "Babe, you feeling okay?" He mumbled out, leaning down to look at his girlfriend. His eyes scanned her phone screen before it quickly shut off. Korei shot up on the bed, her phone pressed against her chest as she stared at Hanta. He was shocked. She watched porn? But she seemed so innocent! No, this had to be a mistake, she couldn't be watching porn!

"I-it's not like-" she was cut off, her knees digging into the mattress as she stared up at Hanta. He held his hand out, waiting for her to place her phone in it. He showed her no emotion but inside he was freaking out. Did this mean she wasn't as innocent as he originally thought? "I swear it's not like what it seems!" Korei rushed out, her wide eyes trying to peer down at her screen. It was confirmed, she was, indeed, watching porn. Hanta's eyes flickered up to meet hers and she just flushed completely. "It's really not like that, I swear!"

"C'mon babe, if you wanted to watch porn you coulda just let me know. We can watch it together!" He teased, climbing onto the bed and leaning his back against the wall. "You like the slow stuff?" He mused, looking up from her cellular device to her shocked face. He didn't care?

"I-i don't know," Korei mumbled out honestly, thoroughly confused by what was happening. "Can you help me figure it out? I don't know what I like to watch."

"Of course, baby. C'mere," Hanta cooed and held one of his arms out, motioning for her to snuggle into him. A blanket was tugged around them as he started telling her about a certain website he liked to go to. Neither of them knew what the hell had happened but it happened and no-one was complaining.

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