Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

"No! I'm staying!"

"Stop playing heroics and go inside!"

"Stop telling me what to do!"

"Prince!" Both princes turned at the same time to find General Taehyung running at a man, his bow pulled back and about to fire at them. "No!"

The arrow was caught in his shoulder and he collapsed.

"Get inside!" Minho roared, but Jisung was frozen.

"Move!" Minho yelled. Jisung didn't move.

"Prince!" Captain Kim, who had rushed to his younger brother's side, shouted down from the stands where citizens were starting to freak out and run. "Another one! Watch out!"

Minho turned first to find another man in a black mask aiming down at Jisung's chest.

"Stop!" Minho yelled, running in the way of the arrow.

"Minho!" King Lee shouted, finding his brother right in between Jisung and the arrow.

It caught him in the stomach.


Minho felt a pang in his stomach. He stopped. He froze.

Jisung ran to his side and stared down at Minho's stomach. "What...?"

Minho gasped as he tumbled to the ground, clutching the arrow embedded in his gut.

"Get a medic!" Jisung shouted as he leaned over Minho. "Get help!"

"I've got him!" Yongbok ran over and hoisted his cousin over his shoulder. "Everyone inside! No debating!" he ran with King Lee into the palace and towards Minho's room.

Jisung chased after him.

"Get the medic to Minho's room, bandages, as quickly as you can!" King Lee shouted at the servants who were at their side. "Now!"

They ran off, leaving Jisung to help Yongbok get Minho into his room. He threw the door open and watched as Yongbok laid Minho down on the bed as he gasped.

"Minho!" King Lee squatted by the bed. "Minho, can you hear me?"

"H-hurts!" Minho cried, twisting as the arrow moved within him. "P-p-please get it out!"

"Hold on," Yongbok pushed Minho's hanbok open. In the process moving the arrow one more.

"GAHHH!" Minho screamed, and Yongbok flinched. "Sorry!" he took a knife from his side and cut into the fabric around the arrow, tearing it clean off. Jisung almost stopped to wonder how much that had cost, but he moved forward to help.

"Why are you here?" Yongbok hissed as he pushed bandages into the open wound.

"Um..." Jisung mumbled. "I don't know. I just..."

"He got shot for you, isn't that enough? You've been treating him like trash this entire time but as soon as he gets an arrow in the gut, all is forgiven?"

"It's not like that," Jisung protested, but the doctor had arrived and kicked everyone out of the room.

Jisung was pushed out of the room and he blinked. Was his new bride about to die that soon?

"Prince Jisung!" Captain Kim came running down the hall. He stopped by Jisung's side with a quick bow before staring at him. "Is the Lee Crown Prince alright?"

"Alive, for now," Jisung sighed and slumped against the wall. "Is General Kim alright?"

"Yes, we stopped the bleeding. General Jeon is with him right now."

"Good..." Jisung sighed and laid his head back on the wall. "Some wedding, huh?"

"Indeed," Captain Kim sighed and sat down next to him. "You always were one for surprises."

"Not like this!" Jisung groaned. "This is too much. He took an arrow for me? He doesn't even like me! Why would he do that?"

"Um... he's married to you..."

"I know!"

Master Seo arrived and shared a glance at the captain. The captain shrugged and Master Seo nodded, heading over to Prince Yongbok who was slouched over with tearful eyes. He wrapped his arms around his chest and pulled him close. "Are you okay?"

Yongbok nodded. "B-but Minho-"

"Has the finest doctors in the country working on him. He'll be fine, I promise!" Changbin smiled down at his future lover with shining eyes. "He'll be fine."

Yongbok nodded and hesitantly buried his face in Changbin's hanbok.

Changbin rubbed his back, and ran his hand down Yongbok's hair.

Jisung watched them with envy. They were lucky that they could love like that without worries. Jisung would be expected to, but there was no way... with Minho? Impossible.

King Lee emerged from the room a few moments later. "The bleeding has stopped," he announced. "The prince is safe."

There were many sighs of relief from the gathered royals as they fell back. "Thank goodness!" Ji-eun cried, curling into a ball as she cried.

Her first younger brother walked over and put his arm over him. "He's fine, he's fine! Why are you crying?"

"There was so much blood, I thought he was going to die!"

King Lee's gaze turned to Jisung. "My brother... he is asking for you."

"For me?" Jisung looked up in shock. "Why?"

The King shrugged. "I don't know, but you best not keep him waiting."

Jisung gulped and nodded, standing to walk into the room. He looked over at Captain Kim and Seo Changbin, who were gazing at him with worry. Jisung turned and opened the doors, walking in his husband's room.

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