Chapter 9

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Finishing the last button on his shirt, Bucky checked himself out in the mirror. He fixed his hair one more time before deciding that he looked good enough to go. It had taken him long enough to just choose his outfit and he didn't want to be late. He eventually had picked a black, short sleeve, button up and black jeans. He didn't know how he should dress for his date, not wanting to be too formal or too casual, so he went with something in between.

He checked his phone for any new texts from Steve. They had decided to go out for lunch at some restaurant downtown. It's was only 11:30 and they were meeting at noon, but Bucky would rather be early than late, so he decided to head out. He took the elevator downstairs and had almost made it to the front door when his mom caught him.

"James, where are you going?" She asked as she walked in the front hall from the parlour, teacup in hand.

"Out" He answered simply, not wanting to give any details.

His mother stepped closer to him, with a reprimanding look, "You know you need to tell one of us before you leave the house. It's unsafe to go somewhere without us knowing."

Bucky sighed, "I'm just going to get something to eat."


"A restaurant, now can I go?"

She placed her free hand on her hip and frowned, "What's the rush? Are you meeting someone?"

Bucky didn't answer.

"Who?" His mother asked.

"Just a friend." Bucky rolled his eyes, just wanting to leave already, "Come on mom, I'm almost 18, can't I leave the house without being interrogated?"

"Maybe if you weren't the son of a billionaire, but since you are, we have to take precautions. Now, I ask again, who are you meeting?" His mother said sternly.

"Steve." He finally answered with a huff.

Almost immediately, her expression brightened, "Rogers? Steven Rogers, Oh how lovely! I'm so glad you two are becoming friends. Now go on, have fun!" She smiled, waving him off.

Bucky shook his head in exasperation. She didn't like Bucky going out on his own, but as soon as Steve was mentioned suddenly everything became fine. Why? Because Bucky couldn't be trusted. But Steve? He was America's golden boy, so of course his mother was fine with her son hanging out with him. Maybe she thought some of his goodness would rub off on Bucky.

Of course, little did she know, they were going on a date. If she did, she would have had a completely different opinion.

Bucky slammed the front door behind him, striding down his front steps and turning down the street.

It was a gorgeous July day. The sun was shining in the deep blue sky, and a slight breeze ruffled Bucky's hair. He slid on his designer sunglasses and made his way to where he planned to meet Steve in a small park.

The heat radiated off the sidewalk and birds chirped in the trees. After walking a few blocks, he followed the sidewalk into a small shady area of the grassy park. He found a bench and sat down, checking the time on his watch 11:49. Steve would be there any minute.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, and leaned back, watching some kids play on a playground near by. They chased each other, slid down slides, climbed monkey bars and had contests to see who could swing the highest. Bucky remembered passing by the park as a kid and begging his parents to let him play with the other kids, but they refused. They told him it was too dangerous, but really they just didn't want him associating with the lower class. They found the average city folk to be dirty and untrustworthy. Like many of their other views, Bucky disagreed. They were all just people, billionaires or not, it didn't make them any less important than them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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