Chapter 3

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"James Buchanan Barnes get to my office this instant!" Richard Barnes' enraged voice yelled through the intercom speaker in Bucky's room.

Bucky sighed, finishing his cigarette and mentally preparing himself for what was coming, He lifted himself from his couch where he had been watching tv and made his way to impending doom.

He found his father pacing back and forth in his office, head turned to Bucky sharply when he entered the room, His eyes narrowed, striding over to his son and grabbing Bucky by the tip of the ear and pulled him over to the computer.

"What is this?" He asked, clicking on a video from a celebrity gossip website.

"Billionaire bad boy, James Barnes, lived up to his name last Wednesday when he was caught by paparazzi while taking a walk." A woman with long brown hair and wearing a tight blue dress began speaking.

The screen changed to a shaky cell phone video of Bucky "Hey, could ya just leave me alone and maybe *BLEEP* off?" He shouted in the video, his middle finger crudely blurred.

The woman appeared on the screen again, "What has got the 17-year-old son of the CEO of Hydra-Tech so angry? And do his parents know about his illegal smoking habits?" The screen showed a zoomed-in picture of Bucky smoking, "This isn't the first time-" Richard slammed his finger on the space bar pausing the video mid-sentence.

"What the hell were you thinking?" His father hissed at him, "Cursing at paparazzi like that? You should know better. I have told you time and time again how to deal with the press. Do you even listen? Do you know how this makes me look? Like I raised a spoiled little brat!"

"Well, he decided to ambush me with his flashing camera while I was just trying to taking a walk." Bucky defended his actions.

"Don't you dare make excuses! You shouldn't have lashed out, this is your fault."

"Maybe I wouldn't have lashed out if you hadn't been yelling at me at dinner beforehand!" Bucky started to raise his voice.

Richard scoffed, "That's still no reason to act out, You chose to yell at a perfectly innocent man."

"Perfectly innocent, my ass. Why are you siding with him, you hate the paps, they were outside the house, I was just minding my own business"

"This isn't about me James, this is about you!"

Bucky opened his mouth to argue back but his father cut him off.

"And smoking? How long have you been smoking?" His threw his hands in the air.

"I dunno like half a year."

Richard made a disgusted noise from the back of his throat, "How did you even get cigarettes?"

Bucky let out a smart ass laugh, "You think I don't know where you keep your stash? Packs of yours have been going missing for months and I'm sure a genius like you could've noticed"

His father grabbed his arm, squeezing it in a strangling grip, "Don't you dare speak to me that way." He growled.

Bucky tried to pull away, but Richard just tightened his hold, "Stop! That hurts!"

"You are never- I repeat never- going to touch another cigarette in your life, do you hear me?"

Bucky nodded through the pain.

"I SAID DO YOU HEAR ME?" His father screamed.

"Yes!" Bucky cried out.

"YOU WILL NEVER SMOKE AGAIN" Richard released his arm, forcefully throwing it down. Bucky rubbed where he had been gripping, this skin white with the imprints of his fingers, There would be bruises there tomorrow.

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