Chapter 5

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"You really live up to your reputation, don't you? Billionaire bad boy?" Steve told Bucky as he poured each of them another drink.

"Can't live up to my dad's standards, so might as well live up to something else." He shrugged, "What is this stuff anyways?"

Steve tried to read the label but it was in some other language, He thought it might be Swedish, but he couldn't be sure. "I don't know, I didn't learn that language. Probably came from a diplomat friend of my dad's"

"It's good." Bucky nodded, sitting back next to Steve and handing him his glass. Sometime within the last drink, they moved from the fancy couch to the floor, leaning against the wall. Steve had peeled off his hot blazer and untucked his shirt. Bucky undid his tie, and let it hang around his neck.

Steve was glad to get away from the party, where he could loosen up without any press flashing photos of him, or rich snobs judging him. It was too hot outside and he was tired of standing around and meeting people.

"So what's it like being the son of the great governor Rogers?" Bucky asked, taking a sip of his drink.

"Ugh," Steve groaned, leaning his head back against the wall, "It's hard. It's fun at times, like when we get to travel around the world, or visit Washington, but most of the time it sucks. As a kid, it felt like my parents were busy, like all the time" Steve found himself ranting, "I had this nanny who would watch over me. Then I would always have to dress up and go to crowded press conferences or rallies for elections. When I got older I started having to make speeches or do interviews, which I hate. I always have lie- or as my dad says 'bend the truth'. Do you know how much corruption there is in the government? Because I do, and it's a lot. And then my parents seem to want me to be the next president or something to do with politics, but I really don't want to. I would rather be an artist, honestly. Ugh and the press! They have always loved me, which means they want to follow me wherever I go! I can hardly get out and be on my own without someone trying to snap my picture. It's really terrible." Steve finally finished with a sigh. It felt good to actually be able to talk about how he felt. He couldn't tell his parents any of this, and he didn't have any friends he could talk to. It felt like a pressure lifted off his chest.

"Tell me about it. The paparazzi are the worst." Bucky groaned in agreement.

Steve let out a laugh, "Yeah, I've seen you get in some trouble with them."

"They're assholes, they deserve it."

"Can't argue with that. But my dad would kill me if I ever said something bad to them. It could destroy his political career, I wish I could stand up to them like you can." Steve said.

"Oh yeah, my dad was very close to killing me after that last incident, I had to come to this party as a punishment"

Steve fake gasped, "You mean you didn't want to come to my totally awesome 17th birthday party?" He said in mock insult, placing a hand over his chest in shock.

Bucky laughed, "Oh yeah, because I totally love coming to fancy parties filled with old rich people that I don't know" He said sarcastically.

Steve laughed with him, "Yeah it is pretty terrible, I didn't ask or want any of this"

"Yeah, it looks like Uncle Sam threw up all over your yard." Bucky said jokingly "So what did you actually want?"

"I wanted a party with my friends from school, I wanted to go to laser tag and wear something that would upset the party that my parents are in, but When your the son of a governor and a senator, born on the Fourth of July, you have to get used to the patriotism"

Bucky sat up and reached for a different bottle of alcohol, this one looking like it was in German.

"Another drink?"

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