Chapter 4

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"Bucky shifted uncomfortably in his hard dress shoes, He tugged at his tie, that felt like it was going to strangle him.

"Stop fidgeting, James." His father whispered harshly, trying to avoid attention as they waited for the party to begin, "Stand up straight and act dignified, There are cameras everywhere and some very important people here, so please look alive."

Bucky huffed but followed his instructions.

"And now we would like to introduce our son, on his 17th birthday, Steven Grant Rogers." The governor spoke into the microphone on the podium, motioning to the door. The press started snapping photos as the door opened. Other guests cheered.

Bucky couldn't see what was going on as everyone crowded the door but he clapped politely until he made it to the stage, taking his father's place at the podium.

"Hello everyone, thank you all so much for coming to my party today." He beamed out in the crowd with a perfectly white smile.

Bucky had seen Steve before in magazines, newspapers, and the Internet, they had even met before in person as kids, because their fathers were friends. Mr Barnes had supported governor Rogers and funded a lot of his campaign. Bucky had met with the governor plenty of times in the past, but only his son once or twice.

Steve didn't look like his father, at least not much, he resembled his mother more, with blue eyes and blond hair. But he did have his father's sharp jawline and a charismatic smile that you just couldn't get enough of. He was built up well, you could see it even under his suit, his biceps threatening to rip open the sleeves to his blazer. He had broad shoulders that slanted down into his narrow waist. Bucky bet he had some nice abs, under that button-up shirt. Man, he would love to find out.

"I'm thankful to my family for helping make this party happen, and it sure does look good, so I hope you all have a great time! Thanks again." Steve did a little bow as he stepped down from the podium, standing next to his mother. Bucky was kind of disappointed that he was finished talking. Steve's voice was smooth with not a hint of discomfort after growing up doing so much public speaking. It felt comfortable, and you wanted to keep listening. He could see why everyone was so taken by Steve and wanted him to become a politician.

The governor cleared his throat before beginning his speech after his son, he went on about how proud he was and how much Steve had grown up into a 'fine young man'. He praised him for his accomplishments and reminisced old memories. Most of it sounded genuine, although you could never tell with politicians. They may sound truthful but they could be telling a complete lie.

Next to his mom, Senator Sarah Rogers gave her speech, which was similar to her husband's, going on about how proud she was of this or that and blah blah blah. There was an open invitation for anyone to come to make a speech or give a toast to Steve, and many people did. Bucky was getting impatient and just started zoning out.

He watched Steve, who shifted his weight back and forth on his feet. He remained engaged in the speech, but Bucky could tell from the dull in his eyes that he was getting pretty bored and Bucky couldn't blame him. He dreaded the day his next birthday would come, although the speeches would be a lot shorter, seeing how there were less good things to say about Bucky than Steve.

Finally, the speeches were over and they were set free to chat as the birthday boy got his picture taken for newspapers and did some interviews.

Bucky wanted so desperately to go to the buffet and fill his plate with all the delicious food they had waiting. He had his eyes on the chocolate fountain. But unfortunately, his family dragged him around, making him talk to other high-class people. He shook hands with dozens of people he'd never heard of and pretended to be delighted to see them.

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