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After the gaming session and rubbing it on their face, we all went to the horror house. Don't you hate horror house or horror in General. Why are you doing this!! My conscience said annoyed. I cant do anything. They will drag me if not then. I am scared! I replied to my conscience. They had purchased a joint ticket to 8D movie and the horror house without asking or telling me. I did not have a choice. I was irritated cause I hated horror. I was scared of it.

We went inside the horror house and Aadvik was walking besides me and suddenly a creepy sound rang and a witch in green and red light came into view. I screamed scared and clutched aadvik's forearm and shirt tightly with my hands. I shut my eyes and stopped walking making Aadvik stop walking. He held me. When suddenly, he left me and removed my hands from me and moved forward and I clutched whoever was near ne by the shirt my eyes still shut.

Whoever it was held me tightly and soothed me saying calming words in my ears and rubbing their hands on my arms in a soothing manner. I instantly relaxed and opened my eyes to see it was Aarush clutching me soothing and suddenly a more creepy voice than last one rang inside the room and suddenly a skull came right in front of my face mid air. It scared and i hugged Aarush tightly not wanting to let go shut my eyes again. I felt him move forwards and taking me along with him. By this time I was breathing heavily and was feeling the starting of a panic attack. I somehow swallowed and kept moving forward.

Soon, the nightmare got over all thanks to Arush and his soothing words and actions to calm me down. I started hyperventilating but luckily did not. After that we went to see the movie which I enjoyed a lot. After that, we all went to the rooftop restraunt of the mall for dinner. We all had our dinner and dutched the payment and moved towards the bus stand to catch our bus to college. We stood outside the shade waiting for the bus when suddenly it went pouring and we quickly rushed under the shade of bus stand.

After some time the bus came and we got in sitting with the person we sat before and we all were still a little wet from the rain. I sat at the window capturing the beautiful scenery in my mind and seeing the stars twinkle at night. Suddenly someone tapped my on my shoulder and I turned to see Aarush offering one of his EarPod's with me. I smilingly took it and stuck it in my ear. The first song was THE MAN WHO COULD NOT BE MOVED by THE SCRIPT. We kept looking outside the window when the second song came A THOUSAND YEARS-PART 2 BY CHRISTINA PERRI. By the time the song started, I felt sleepy and supported my head on the window light sprinkles of the rain splashing on my face.

I closed my eyes feeling peaceful and calm when I felt someone pulling my head from the window and keeping my head on their shoulder. I felt more comfortable and snacked my hands around their hand. I felt someone kiss my forehead and I slept.

Someone woke me up by shaking me up. I opened my eyes to see the light brown eyes belonging to my crush. I straightned up to realise my hands around his hand. I removed it and looked at him confused. "We are almost at the college. You wouldn't want me to carry you so I woke you up!" He said and I nodded. The bus stopped at the bud stand and we 6 got down and walked to our college and went inside to our hostels. The boys first dropped us at our hostel before going to their hostel.

We went to our room and tarika entered the bathroom while I immediately laid down on my bed exhausted out of my wits. I don't know when I slept but I woke up from my sleep when my alarm rang indicating me to get up before I get late. I got up in a sitting position still in half sleep to see my shoes and jacket off places at the corner of the room and a blanket covering me Aakansha.... I thought with a silly smile on my face. I quickly went to washroom to freshen up after waking the 2 sleepy heads.

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