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When I woke up, I went into the kitchen to grab some pain killers for Minho. I placed them on the counter and filled up a cup of water for him. I decided to order food because I wasn't in the mood to cook anything.

After a few minutes, my food arrived. I placed it down in the counter, scrolling through Instagram in the middle of every bite. Suddenly, Minho walked out. He looked like a zombie. He was holding his head in his hand, walking with his eyes closed.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm just really hungover"

"I put some pain killers over there for you. What's the last thing you remember?"

His face dropped, as if he thought of something he didn't want to remember. He must of remembered what he saw Mina doing.

"I just remember dancing with some of my friends and that's it. That gives me an idea! You should meet my friends."

"I'm down, they seem pretty cool."

"Yeah, anyways I'm going to go freshen up."

I nod and smile. It was probably the first morning that he didn't bring Mina into our morning conversation. I was honestly glad I could go one day without hearing about her.

After breakfast, I went out to the store to buy groceries. We already had some stuff, but most of my favorites weren't there, so I decided to pick them up.

When I was going to checkout, I saw Mina there, clinging on to another guy. She had her arms around him, her face buried in his neck. How could she do that to Minho? After everything that Minho did for her, she's going to betray him like that? I couldn't handle it, so I payed for my groceries and left.

I decided to go out for a little drive around town to get my head back into place. When I got back to the dorm, there was a sight I never expected, nor wanted to see.

Mina and Minho were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

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