Kanda, Sweetie, Please [Semi-Canon]

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[beginning note, in this version of semi-canon Alma /is/ alive and lives at the order with everyone else. At this point in the universe both Alma an Kanda are Generals and Allen is still trying to refute the decisions of central on his status. The couples are Yu/Lavi and Alma/Allen. Alma, Yu and Lavi are 20, Allen is 17 [it's early November]. From Alma's pov, fight me, mpreg warning for this entirely]


Tugging at the strap of his shoulder bag as he walked through the door, he kept his weapon strapped to his hip as he paused in the middle of the hall. He was finally back from his mission, wanting nothing more than to find his partner and rest with him in their bed. But first was the task of dropping off the innocence he had collected, and even after that he still had to look for the elusive whitette. Taking brisk steps towards the science division, the only disruptive sounds he could hear were those of his boots against the solid floor. He had barely taken steps past the lounge on his way back down the same hallway in the direction of the dining hall before he heard the shout of his name, turning around just in time to catch the younger exorcist before he knocked them both over.

"Alma! You're back!" Grinning, he leaned forward to press a kiss to the shorter's lips, feeling his hands being taken by gloveless ones. He was glad that Allen was feeling alright with his hand being uncovered today, it seemed to be akin to a roulette wheel with it in mind whether he'd wear the gloves or not.

"I was just on my way to go looking for you. Has Yu been keeping you company while you're both off missions?" Taking back one of his hands, he took some of the loose strands of ivory hair between the pads of his fingers, pulling it behind Allen's ear. He watched the younger adult's silver eyes glance away, intently staring at a blank spot on the wall to the side of the both of them.

"He was, until he stopped. He's been locking himself in his old room for the past while, and I don't even know if he leaves to go to bed. Lavi brought that up at breakfast, he got back yesterday from his mission and wasn't able to get to sleep because Kanda hadn't returned to their room." His boyfriend was usually louder when he spoke, so he had to hold his focus in order to hear the words the other spoke. He stayed quiet for another moment, watching Allen open his mouth a few times before letting a sigh out. "A few of us have already tried to talk to him, but he won't say anything let alone open the door. It's not locked, but there's something in front of it keeping the door from opening." Leaning forward, he brushed Allen's bangs away long enough to press a kiss to the shorter's forehead.

"I'll go and see if he'll talk to me, I doubt that he'll have done anything to actually harm himself or the baby on purpose. Why don't you go rest, you look like you're about to fall asleep standing up. I'll come join you once Yu is out of his room, alright?" Watching the locks bounce as Allen nodded, he watched as the whitette went in the opposite direction he was going. Grabbing something from the dining hall for Yu since he didn't know when the other had eaten last, he stood before the wooden door, his uniform coat unbuttoned as he used the back of his hand to knock on the surface. He barely heard the shifting from the other side of the door, but it made him smile either way. At least he knew that he wasn't talking to a sleeping body and wasting time.

"Yu? I just got back from my mission, I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner. Allen told me that you've trapped yourself in here and haven't been leaving. Do you want to talk about it?" Hearing only silence for a moment, the next sound was a soft tap against the bottom of the door. He felt a small smile form across his lips, tapping back a moment before he spoke again. "Do you want to stay like this and just talk through the door or is it possible for me to come in? Either way I brought you some food since I didn't know when you last ate." Hearing silence again, he rested one hand against the door, feeling a light thump from a bit lower on the surface. So that's what was keeping the door closed, it should've been obvious.

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