She laughed. "I have some you can use." Katara grabbed some from the camp and gave them to me. I quickly changed and walked back over to everyone. 

Sokka was attempting to give a speech to everyone, about our plan. "...Then we went over to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki, who is a Kyoshi warrior. She made me dress like a woman and then she kissed me..." 

"Wow, he says beginning, he means beginning, beginning," Katara said quietly.

"...and then Aang's friend was a crazy old man and then Katara got Haru arrested and then now he's grown a mustache," their dad walked over to Sokka, "and if you look in the front row you can see him" 

"Thank you, Sokka." Their father placed a hand on Sokka's shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Sokka walked off to the side, disappointed.

"Let me just clarify a few points for everyone. Today is the Day of Black Sun and I want to thank you all for your self sacrifice and your courage. There are two steps to the invasion. A naval stage and then a land stage. To gain sea access to the Fire Nation capitol, we have to get pass our first major obstacle here." He pointed to a spot on the map. "The Great Gates of Azulon. Next," he flipped to another map, "we hit the land and we hit hard. We must fight past their battlements and secure the plaza tower.

"Once we do that, it's up to the royal palace. At that point, the eclipse will begin." 

One of them raised their hands "Excuse me, The Boulder is confused. Isn't the point to invade during the eclipse? When the firebenders are powerless?" 

"The eclipse only last 8 minutes. Not enough time for the whole invasion and the royal palace is heavily guarded by firebenders. So that's where we'll need the eclipse advantage the most. When this is finished, the Avatar would have defeated the Fire Lord. We would have control of the Fire Nation capital and this war will be over!"

Everyone began cheering.

The next hour or so was spent with everyone preparing for battle. Aang shaved his hair off, which sucked cause it honestly suited him better. Appa had gotten armor. Katara was gathering water. And so on.

When everyone was finished we all got on the ships and headed for the capitol. 

"There they are. The Great Gates of Azulon." 

"I don't see any gates." I looked around us, and nodded in agreement.

"Katara, you and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover." 

"We'll sneak by that statues just like we sneaked by that fire navy blockade." The benders all got in position and more smoke surrounded the ships, blocking us from the sight of anyone else. 

"Keep it up, we're almost through." 

Suddenly an alarm sounded. A net hanging from the gate lit on fire, creating a glowing affect in front of us.

"Everyone below deck." I heard Hakoda say. I followed everyone else down. 

The 'submarine' as Sokka called it, separated from the ship. We managed to get under the net, undetected. "You've really outdone yourself this time, son." 

Toph sat next to me, her head in her lap. " Yeah. Congratulations, Sokka." She faced him. "You managed to invent a worst way of travel than flying." Toph started to gag and one of the people close to us handed her a helmet. She threw up in it. 

I covered my mouth and turned away. "I think I might throw up too." 

"Well, I just came up with the idea, The Mechanist did all the work." 

"But don't sell yourself short, my boy. It was your idea to use waterbending to make the subs sink and float. Brilliant, though your original designs were a bit difficult to decipher." He unrolled a scroll. Sokka's usual child-like drawings were all over it. Not that his drawing was a bad thing.

"Unfortunately, there is one problem I couldn't fix. The subs have a limited air supply. Before we land on the beaches, we'll need to resurface." 

Eventually we did.

'The Duke' who gave Toph his helmet was cleaning it out. I stood next to him at the edge of the water.

"The longer we're out here the more seasick I get." I held my stomach and walked over to everyone else. "I don't like boats now."

"So, this is it huh?" 

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know the Avatar's alive?"

"I'm ready." We all gathered around him and gave him a hug. 

Toph smiled at him. "I hope you kick some serious Fire Lord butt, twinkle toes."

"Everyone listen up. The next time we resurface, it'll be on the beaches. So stay alert and fight smart. Now break time's over, back in the subs."

Toph, Sokka, and I all walked back in. Katara and Aang stayed behind, talking about something. 

Aang flew off, and Katara went over to Appa, bending an air bubble around him. We submerged again, heading for the city. 

"Everyone in position. Earthbenders, into your tanks. This is going to be a rough ride." All of the earthbenders, including Toph, went down a ladder. 

As we approached the gate another alarm went off. Just like the one at the Azulon gate. Harpoons began shooting down at us from above. One of them pierced our ship, and I fell over as we were pulled up. Katara and Appa cut the rope, letting us fall back into the water. 

"Ready the torpedo... Launch!" The torpedos shot out, destroying the grates in front of us. We went through and headed for the shore. 

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