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"what time is it" i rub my eyes as the sun light shines through the curtains and blinds me. It feels as though I have only been in bed for an hour. 

"a little after 7"

"shut the fuck up and get back in bed"

Ark laughs and pulls the curtain back further, it's like torture. I cover my eyes with the blanket but ark pulls it from the bed and slaps my ass.

"come on a cars picking us up at 8"

"what car, what are you talking about"

"babe just get dressed, you need to wear a sweater and comfortable shoes"

Begrudgingly I get up and start to get changed, I have a quick shower but don't wash my hair as I don't have time to dry it. I look as good as I possibly can in skinny jeans, a sweater and some scuffed up vans.

"gorgeous" ark says as he kisses my hand.

"what are you up to" I ask, he replies only with a smirk.

I look down at my cell and gasp "it's 5 o clock, are you joking me"

"I thought you wouldn't get up if you knew the real time" ark laughs like he finds the situation funny.

"so I've literally only had an hours sleep, how do you expect me to last the day"

Ark shrugs "we can have a mid afternoon nap, don't worry it will be worth it I promise you"

As we step out of the limo we are handed a glass of champagne. In too amazed at the sight before me that I almost forget to take the offered glass.

Ark looks at me smugly as we walk across the tarmac.

"I've never been in a helicopter" I whisper.

"me neither, I thought it could be our first..... First"

God how is he so charming, he makes me melt. If I wasn't so weak at the knees I would jump him right now.

Ark holds my hand as he helps me into the helicopter, as we sit he puts his arm around me. We put the headphones firmly on our heads as we take everything in. The captain tells us about the safety procedures and the details of the flight. It turns out were taking a tour of Vegas, it will be sun rise shortly so I expect the view will be phenomenal.

"this is amazing" I must have said this phrase thousands of times during the flight. I knew it would be special but this was so much more, I couldn't be happier than I am in the moment when I step off the helicopter. It really was an experience I will never forget.

I turn to ark to thank him but he's not there, I turn again and see the captain smiling brightly at me. He nods his head towards the ground, I turn and look down.

My breath stops as I see ark on one knee with a large diamond ring in his hand. He's looking up at me with such love in his eyes that I feel myself well up.

I love ark, more than I'm ready to admit. It's only been a few months but I know he's the man for me. I know we are meant to spend the rest of our lives together.

"will you marry me"

"come on babe don't leave me hanging" he says with a giggle.


"No, no , he woudnt do that" Kate sits beside me on the sofa, she is stunned. When i had told her that Ark had married a stripper in Vegas she had assumed it was more lies that were created to sell magazines.

Travis hands me a glass of whisky, he has to wrap my hand around the glass as im shaking. 

"i called my friend Filly whos in the support band and he assures me its true. He was at the wedding"

"Ludo called me" i tell them.

"he told me Ark was married, he apologised"

Kate and Travis exchange looks "he wouldnt hurt you like that, maybe its a joke"

"marrying another woman when you have a girlfriend at home is no joke" Kate fumes, i think shes as angry as i am.

Kate starts tapping on her cell, she gasps as the screen fills with photos of Ark and his new wife, There's one of him carrying her out of the chapel, one where their kissing and another where hes pouring champagne over her breast. I feel sick, Kate quickly clicks off the screen. Im humiliated, i never thought he could hurt me this badly. Im mad, so mad im tempted to smash up his home and write obscenities all over his walls. Before i closed down my cell i was having reporters reaching out to me for a comment. 

"i dont know what to say" Kate says as she comforts me.

"say i can transfer to the London store"

"you cant make big decisions like that now, you cant make big decisions like that while your not thinking clearly"

"Ive never thought so clear in my life, my whole life is a mess. I need to go before i beg him to leave her and choose me. I need to leave before what little self respect i have is gone" im sobbing, i hate that im crying.

Travis refreshes my drink and i muster up as much of a smile as i can. 

"please, i cant stay here. If i dont transfer i will have to leave the company all together. I cant risk seeing him again, my heart couldn't handle it"

"ill agree on 2 conditions"

I nod.

"1 if you change your mind you come home, you come home immediately and 2 you take the managers position at the London store"

"thank you"

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