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Ethans well and truly drunk, i had my suspicions but him suggesting we play spin the bottle confirms it. Honestly aren't we too old for drinking games, as I look around I can see that he's not alone. I think there's only me who stopped on their second drink. It's 9pm so it won't be long until I have to kick everyone out.

I've had more fun than I could have imagined, it's been great reconnecting with old friends. I had been dissapointed when Sarah didn't turn up with the others, I had been surprised when Chad told me she was now working on an organic avocado farm. I mean who could have guessed.

"yeah I don't think so, its a sausage fest" robbii complains.

"it's getting chilly, maybe you should all"

"come inside, great idea" ark says cutting me off. I was going to suggest they went back to their hotel.

Within minutes the roof is clear and everyone's cramped into our small living room. I try to offer everyone a coffee but they all turn up their noses at my offer. It appears that their not ready to give il drinking yet.

I notice ark isn't anywhere to be seen, hopefully he left. Ludo pulls me close so I'm sat with his arm around me, it's like no time has passed. Our friendship feels as strong as it had 2 years ago.

"I like your place, but it's a little small" ludo complains as he tries and fails to stretch out his legs.

"hey its not small" I argue.

"I've been trying to convince her we need a bigger place but she won't budge" ethan slurrs.

"hey I like this place, this was my first home here"

"yeah but now that I live with you a bigger place won't hurt"

I roll my eyes, ethan and I have had this argument for months now. I truly am happy here, I don't belive we need a bigger place.

"you have your own room don't you, what else do you need"

"why would he have his own room " Chad asks

"why wouldn't he"

"I know your relationship with ark was pretty fucked up but you shared a room at least right"

Ethan looks at me and starts to laugh, "you think we're a couple"

"you mean your not" robbii asks.

"I'm gay, I thought it was obvious. Hey does this mean I should audition for the straight roles now. " ethan laughs

I till my eyes, I can't belive everyone thought we were a couple.

"so are you dating anyone" Chad asks.

"no I don't date, Noah put me off for life" I half joke.

"who's Noah" Chad asks.

"ark you dick" ludo throws a cushion which lands straight in Chad's face.

"oh yeah, ark doesn't date either"

"no he just fucks anything that breaths and marries strippers" I try to sound breezy but I can hear the venom in my voice.

"ooh I've got chills" Chad jokes.

"I really don't want to hear about him, if it were up to me I would never see him again. I've spent the last few years trying to rebuild my life".

"he's not who you think he is" robbii adds.

"right parties over, I'm going to bed" I can't hear about him anymore, I'm sick of it.

"Noah what the hell are you doing in my room"

"you called me Noah"

"that is your name isn't it"

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