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My legs are numb, sitting for 3 hours wasn't that great. I'm happy to finally be walking, with my suitcase in hand I head out of the train station and look for a taxi rank. I stumble over my own feet when I see ark surrounded by adoring fans. He's holding a bunch of roses, I try to sneak up on him but it's like he senses that I'm close, he turns towards me and gives me a huge smile.

He nods his head towards a waiting black car, I slip inside and a minute later he joins me.

"hey babe, you look good" he kisses my cheek and hands me the roses. The car starts and we head towards the hotel, I try to take in some of the city as we drive.

"how was the train"

I sigh, "it was boring yet eventful"

"tell me more"

"diannes getting married"

"really, who's nuts enough to marry your sister"

I smack his arm and he laughs.

"a law student"

"fuck off"

"his names spike"

Ark laughs "ah now it makes sense, she definitely has a type"

"and what might that be"

"she likes goths and rockers"

"oh yeah and what's my type"


I roll my eyes, I have shortly dated since we split up and only half of them were like him.

"Tell me I'm wrong" he pushes

"The last guy I dated was pretty clean cut"

"Oh yeah, tell me about him"

"That's weird" I reply.

"Go on"

"His name was Will, he was a police man" will was around my height, he was a perfect gentleman. Not a drop of ink, he was so straight laced and straight forward. I knew where I stood with him it was so easy, things with him were ok. That was the problem they were just ok their was no fire in my stomach no fireworks when we kissed. For a while I tried to be happy and just accept that ok would be as good as it got for me.

"How long were you dating"

"6 months, that's a real relationship. What happened"

"There were no flames, it wasn't fair to keep stringing him along when I knew it wasn't going to work" 

"You feel it too"

I give him a quizzical look.

"The fire spread through your body when we kiss"

"Yes I feel it"


"you have to be joking" he has to be joking or trying his luck.

Ark smirks, I don't know what he finds so amusing.

"I'm not sleeping in your room"

"the hotel is fully booked"

"Yeah, I was born yesterday" I grab my suitcase and head to the elevator. I'll book my own room, I should have booked it last week instead of leaving it to ark.

"babe and not lying, you can have the bed ill have the couch or ill bunk with Chad"

I sigh "fine, if your room is a shit hole I'm going to the holiday Inn"

I'm pleasantly surprised when I find arks room reasonably clean. I find only 3 empty beer bottles in the trash, I'm even more surprised when I see his clothes on hangers in the wardrobe. His mom would get proud.

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