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Third Person POV

"Sooo, what's your first order of business, Pine tree?" Bill asked with a smirk. Dipper looked at the triangle demon then thought to himself.

How to keep a demon hidden?

Dipper placed his right hand left shoulder and started rubbing it while thinking. Dipper doesn't know this, but he has a magnetic of scratching or rubbing his left shoulder when he thinks seriously. He looked at the demon once again, "Can you change your form, Bill?" Dipper asked. Bill tilted his triangle self to the side before answering, "Yeahh, what do you want? A cat?--" he changed into a floating blonde cat, "--a dog?" he changed into a floating dog, "--a multi-bear?" he changed into one giant flying multi bear, "--I can change into anything!" Bill said in a sing songy voice.

"Shape shift into my earring," Dipper said, and only did Bill notice Pine Tree's earring on his left ear. Bill felt smugness, "Looks like Pine Tree couldn't live without me by his side," the floating dorito teased.

Although to Dipper, Bill's words struck home. He needed a constant reminder that he survived. He needed something to remind him what weird is all about. That's why for the past few years, Dipper drowned himself in research about anything and everything in weirdmageddon. If he did not, who knows what he'll do.

Dipper tsk'ed and just ignored the triangle's teasing. "Are you gonna shape shift or what?" Supper grumbled, and Bill laughed. Go, the Pines was so easy to tease! He could do this all day! With a mental smile on Bill's face, he shrunk himself and rested on the earring, also making himself a golden color, so it wouldn't be obvious he was there. Only people who knew what to look for would notice him there.

Dipper started walking out of the forest and back to the Mystery Shack.

On the way, Bill kept asking Supper questions.

"Sooo, how has Shooting Star, Fez, and Sixer doing?" Bill asked, and since he was right next to the Pines' ears, Dipper could hear him clearly. Dipper sighed, "Well, after weirdmaggedon, Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford went traveling and gave Soos the ownership of the Shack. After two and a half years, they went back, and Soos and Melody wanted to retire on their own home, so that works out. Mable... matured a little, I guess?" Dipper mumbled absent-mindedly, but Bulk could hear it clearly.

"What have you been up to in the last few years?"

Dipper stuttered for a bit, "U-uh, research. Since you destroyed the journals, I decided to rewrite them in my own way, also made a few of my own theories after.." Dipper ranted. Bill couldn't help, bug feel a certain emotion. An emotion that he just ignored. It was kind of a warm feeling, Pine tree talking to him so casually like this, and even ranting!

'It's kinda.... cute---hell no, Bill. You are a demon, act like it.' Bill thought, mentally facepalming himself.

Geez, maybe being stuck for too long in just a void with only a window to reality has done things to him and fucked him up in the head? Not like he isn't already. Bill was snapped from his thoughts when Pine tree suddenly asked him a question.

"How about you, Bill? Where have you been locked up?" the Pines asked, with slight jest in his voice to lighten the mood. Bill thought back to the last few years. Just the same old scenery and window. Irritating, really.

"What's it like in where you were locked in?" Dipper asked.

Bill glanced at the boy's cheek before looking ahead and answering.

"I was in a void. Nothing was there, and all I could see was an eye-shaped window to reality. I see the same scenery everyday," Bill said nonchalantly, but Dipper could sympathize. That is almost an exact summary of his life ever since leaving Gravity Falls. The void being everything, and his window was a triangle.

"We both had pretty isolated lives after defeating you, huh? In a sense," Dipper chuckled.

"I guess we had. Oh, look! There's the shack."

It's Good to be Back // Billdip Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora