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Dipper's POV

I'm now unpacking my things at my new room. You know the room me and Mable fought over four summers ago? That one. Mable said she'd take the attic, saying that she had missed it.

Works for me.

After unpacking, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

It has been a while, huh?

I thought of weirdmageddon, and all the crazy stuff we did before that.

I was a wimpy kid back then, I chuckled. That dream demon sure did make our summer here interesting.

I took my Journal 6, and went downstairs. As I went down, I heard noise.

"Oh, hey, dude!" I heard Soos greet when I finally made it down. "Hey, man," I said and high fived him. He suddenly took me for a bear hug. "I missed ya, dude!" he said and I tapped his shoulder, "C-can't br-eathe!" and he let me go.

"Oops, sorry man," he said sheepishly. I just waved it off, signalling it's okay.

"Hey, Dipper. What are you holding right there?" I heard Soos ask.

I was about to answer when Mable cut me, "Oh, it's a journal of his. He has toooons of those. No one can understand it," Mable said as she went and took some water from the fridge.

"Uh, yeah.." I scratched my head.

"Where's Grunkle Ford?" I asked Grunkle Stan who was watching Ducktective. "Poindexter's in the lab," he said lazily, not removing his eyes from the TV.

"Well, I'm going out somewhere!" I yelled as I went outside.

"Be back before dinner!" I heard Stan's fading voice and I yelled out an okay.

I went more into town.

"Oh, hey! If it isn't Dipper Pines!" I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to look at the person.

"Robby?" I guessed as I was looking at him.

"One and only," he said. He was wearing a dark gray hoodie, and has headphones on his neck. He was also wearing black ripped jeans.

"Oh. How's it been? Ran into convenient store ghosts lately?" I joked, remembering the summer I was here. I tried to be cool and a 'teenager' back then.

"Haha," he mocked a laugh. "Well, I have a fiancee now. Got her knocked up, so I had to stop college. Besides that, everything is normal," Robby laughed, I think pitying at himself.

I frowned internally. Nothing weird has happened then. Although the fact that Robby is settling down so early because of getting someone knocked up is weird on its own way.

"Well, see ya later, Dipper! Just went in town to buy grocery," he said and I wave bye back.

I continued just walking into town, looking for something that might catch my interest.

"Dipper is that you..?" I heard a voice. It was feminine this time, though.

I turned around once again to see a blonde. She was wearing a white crop top and a purple skirt with her hair in a high pony tail.

"Wanna get some coffee with me?"


Third Person POV

The two went to a coffee shop nearby, and talked.

"So, how's California?" the blonde asked, gone was her snobbish tone from the years that she was a brat.

Dipper sighed, "It was pretty boring. Nothing much happened, just studied and studied," he shrugged. "How about you? How's life for Pacifica Northwest the past few years," Dipper asked, with a mock brittish accent. This time, it was her turn to sigh. "Well, after what happened and losing our mansion, we started afresh. My parents and I got a bit closer and all, and it was honestly better than before. We live a pretty normal life now," Pacifica said.

When Dipper heard that word, he internally frowned once again. Something was irritating him.


That was the word.

It kept repeating in his mind. He doesn't know why it was irritating him? Dipper craved something. He wanted abnormality. Weirdness. Anything! He doesn't want to live this fucking normal life anymore. He has been alone for the past years. No one truly understood him and what he craved. What he wanted. Needed, even.

If this normalcy keeps up, he'll slowly become insane.

Then, he suddenly thought of someone. Someone who wouk understand what he wants. What he craves. He just needed to find him. A smirk came to Dipper's face, but he quickly stopped it, so Pacifica wouldn't be weirded out.

Dipper stood up and put a dollar on the table.

"Well, it was nice talking to you, Paz. I kinda need to go somewhere," Dipper smiled sheepishly as he handed the dollar for his share on the coffee.

"Nice talking to you again, too," Dipper heard before going out.

This time, Dipper wasn't walking around aimlessly. He had a destination.

The Forest.

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