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Bill's POV

I levitated above the stone. Crystallis Sena. The last ingredient we need.. Pinetree approached the stone and picked it up, and he started to examine it with sparkling eyes.

Pfft, what a nerd.

Pinetree, let's hurry up. You're grunkles will be back soon.

Oh. Shit, you're right.

he said as he snapped out of his bewildered state. His cheeks were slightly red. Is he feeling hot? He put the stone inside his bag, and quickly started walking back as I followed him.

I stared at the back of Pinetree's head and started thinking about the weird events earlier.

I got sucked in earlier into his earing. As if I had no choice. Not that I tried to resist since that was what I was going to do anyways, but I did want to tease him more..

Going through the deal...

Was it..

"Hurry up, Bill!" Pinetree said, interrupting my thoughts.

Pinetree already started to dip into the water.

My eye widened when he suddenly grabbed my arm and dipped us both into the water.

"Wait, I didn't put the--"

Dipper's POV

Bill was so slow. He looked out of it, too.

Rolling my eyes I grabbed his arm and started to swim into the pond.

"Wai-, I hav-- put th--"

I ignored him and continued swimming.

Hey, Bill. What were you going to say?


Yo, Bill?


No answer?

I looked back to see why he wasn't responding and my eyes widened up like saucers.

The contents of my bag were glowing and were nearing an, apparently, unconscious triangle.

He was doing this pose that looked like in his summoning wheel.

Wait... he was trying to tell me something earlier... Think, Dipper!

"We're going to get the Crystallis first? Shouldn't we get the Fluid of Life first, so we can easily mix everything?" I said.

We only need two ingredients left. The Fluid if Life and the Crystallis.

"It's better to get the Crystallis first, we can easily get the fluid there," he said.

I gave him a strange look. But, if it makes things easier, why not?

"If you say so," I replied.

Ugh, shit.

The Fluid of Life is the water in the Pond of Youth, isn't it?

Stupid Bill! He should've told me!

In front of me, a body started forming.

It was a weird sight if I'm being honest.

A glowing thing that I can not describe, and finally.. a body of a boy was in front of me, in all it's naked glory.

And this so called body started sinking. My eyes widened as I quickly grabbed the boy's, Bill's, body and swam up till we reached the land.

Bill wasn't breathing.




He must've breathed some water.

I started pumping his chest.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

It isn't working. I have no choice.

I connected my lips with his and gave hum oxygen, alternating with pumping his chest.

This needs to work, everything can't be for naught.

Please work...

Bill sat up and suddenly started coughing.

Third Person POV

Bill's consciousness suddenly woke up with lips on his. He felt a pressure on his chest, too.

He felt like water was going to go back up, and he suddenly sat up, coughing the water out. He was met with two arms embracing him as Bill finally felt the cold, as to he was buck naked.

Dipper removed the embrace and started to yell, "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT THIS POND WAS THE FLUID?!"

Bill winced, and looked up to the brunette.

It was weird having two eyes. But, everything was so much clearer and wider now for some reason.

Bill stared at Dipper's face. More specifically, Dipper's freckles.

These freckles started to redden and he was confused.

"Why are they getting red?" he asked Pinetree, and his face got redder.

Dipper immediately looked awat with his blushing cheeks brighter than ever.

That voice earlier really was Bill.

Also. Bill was very much naked right now.

Mason Dipper Pines was definetely bisexual, and Bill's new body was... hella cute.

Pale golden blonde hair, if that makes sense. One bright blue eye and one golden eye. A cute nose and plump lips. His skin was a bit pale and hus body was slightly thin, but not too thin.

Dipper thinks that, if Bill and him were to stand up, Dipper would be a but taller. Two to three inches maybe..

Dipper couldn't help but blush as he looked away, and his friend was starting to...

Dipper stopped himself as he removed his hoodie and gave it to Bill. It was wet, but it was better than nothing. Dipper still had a shirt on anyway.

Bill took the hoodie and dried it up with wind magic as he stood up.

Wind magic was easy, compared to transporting clothes at this place. His magic feels depleted after the transformation.

Dipper stood up and Bill tried to do the same.

Keyword, tried.

"Pftt--HAHAHAH!" Dipper laughed as Bill's butt was back on the ground.

Bill glared at the brunette.

"Shut up, Pinetree! I haven't been in a meatsack for so long! Not to mention, it's actually mine!" Bill yelled in frustration.


Sorry if it's a boring chapter, but yeah.

Love ya lots.

It's Good to be Back // Billdip Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora