Chapter 24: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

"Hello. Theo?" I heard my cousin's voice over the line. 

It's still weird calling her my cousin.

"Hi Reign." I greeted. "Really sorry, I'm a mess."

"Theo, you don't need to be sorry. And don't worry, after you left, I gave them all a piece of my mind. I just need you to hear them out."

"Hear what out? I've heard enough." I said with an exasperated sigh. "Look, I know that I overreacted. But I just can't face them, at least not right now. Give me a few days." I said, my tired eyes tearing up, just from recalling the night's events.

I heard Reign sigh at the other line. "Yeah okay, fair enough. A lot of people were really concerned about you, like Masha and Rhea. They don't know what's going on."

"Can you fill them in. I..." A sob escaped me which made me clutch my mouth.

"Theo, do you want me to come over?"

I collected myself for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. "N-no, you don't need to do that."

"M'kay. Try to push everything out of your mind so you could sleep. You know, this always happened when we were young, whenever you got reprimanded, I'd always tell you, don't think about it too much. There's always tomorrow, you can do it." She started cheering. "Go, go Dory! Go, go, go Dory!"

I laughed as I tightly gripped my phone. "Thanks, Mal. I love you." I whispered over the phone.

"Love you too, Dory. Now go get some sleep." We bid goodbye and I was the one to hung up. I pondered over her words as I carried myself out of the bathroom and to my cold bed.

One of the things I'd prefer to have is someone to sleep with. It really does help me have that sense of security, I'd pay to have a sleeping buddy to be honest. That's why I have a trillion stuffed toy, it might be different from a person but it does half the trick.

"Hey, Theo. You fine there?" I heard my sister ask from across the room.

"Yeah, except this night was just complete shambles." I replied, my voice quiet to prevent anymore sound that would concern Sia.

"Is that why you're getting a million text a minute?" She asked, completely sitting up, rubbing her eyes.

I sighed tiredly, ruffling my own hair and letting my arm slump. "You know our cousin Mal? Turns out, she was studying in our school the whole time. And I didn't even know." I said.

Sia's eyes widened, letting my words sink in. "Wow."

"And that's not the only thing I found out." I cut her off before she could say anything. "You know that lad that's dropped me off a few times? Turns out, he and my friends were all lying to me." I continued with a sarcastic smile. "It's all great. I was supposed to have fun and impress tonight. And it all ended in complete disaster." I finished ranting, burying my head in my hands.

I felt the bed dip beside me as my sister wrapped her arms around my shoulder. "It'll get better, I promise. Do you remember your answer in that Q&A? It's time to apply that to yourself now."

I looked back on the answer I gave on that competition two months ago.

"Everyone faces problems and everyone experiences loss. But just because someone else is doing worse than you, doesn't mean you can't feel pain, doesn't mean you're not struggling... No matter what it is, it will be better. There's a rainbow always after the rain."

"I'm sure your friends have a really good reason why they did whatever they did. You're friends for a reason, you trust them with your life. They help you, you help them. Don't think about it for now, you have all the time in the world... Okay?"

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