15. Realization

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⚠️The beginning contains molestation⚠️


'Huh....' Naruko thought to herself. She was surprised as to who she thought of. One of the men made his way down her waist towards her inner thigh. He bit down earning a yelp from her. Tears fell down her cheeks at a rapid speed. She was scared.

"Mmfh!" She made loud muffled sounds as she struggled. Suddenly there was a loud bang causing everyone to stand guard. "Let her go" said a calm and deep voice.

"Who are you!" Yelled one guy. The rest of the men decided to surround him in a circle.


"Here" the guy from before threw his jacket onto Naruko. She looked up with a tear stained face. She looked surprised when she registered in her mind who it was. "Sasuke..." he walked behind her and cut off the ropes that were holding her.

"Hurry and put that on so we can get out of here" he walked towards the door giving her privacy. She complied, putting the hoodie on and shakily getting up. "What're you doing here?"

"I was walking and overheard some of them talking about capturing someone. So I followed them and found you here. Are.....you okay?" He glances back at Naruko who was close behind. "Could be better..." she said with a shaky voice. He went and lifted her up bridal style. "Let's get you out of here.."


After awhile of being held, they both arrived at an empty house. He set her down on his couch and left to get some water for her. In the meantime Naruko looked around the house. "Lonely..." was all she could muster.

"Here" he handed her the water and she gulped it down instantly. "Thank you...for everything that is" after setting the glass down, she rubbed her knuckles in a nervous manner.

"It's pretty late so you can stay here for the night. I'll take you home in the morning" he got up and took her glass to the sink. She just nodded. "If it's not to much trouble..." she was still shaking from earlier.

That night Naruko stayed in his guest bedroom without another word.


Naruko stretches her body outward like a cat or rather a fox. She yawns and looked over towards the door. She cover her face with her arm. "I can't believe it's him...."

Over night Naruko finally remembered who he was, his name and face. They matched, he had to be him after all. She got up and walked out the door finding her way to the possible bathroom.


She set down two plates of breakfast and ventured the house to find Sasuke.

Knock knock

"Come in" was all she heard. She braved herself before slowly opening the door and peeking her head in. "I-I made breakfast if you want some..." she quietly shut the door and went back down stairs to sit at the dining table.

Not long after her seating herself, did she hear foot steps. He sat down in front of her and gave his thanks alongside her. They both ate in silence.


After finishing the dishes, Naruko walked around to a bookcase in the living room. She seen old photos of his family. She lightly picked up a picture of all four of them together. She rubbed her thumb lightly against the dusty picture clearing his mother and fathers faces. She smiled lightly before putting it back away.

Naruko sighed and closed her eyes. She started to wonder, 'what were my parent like?' Sasuke walked in. "What're you doing?" She looked behind her a bit surprised. "O-Oh...um just looking at your framed pictures..."

"Umm...Where's your brother?" He looked at her surprised. "He..uh he went over seas for work..." she nodded at his response and continued to browse his book shelf. One particular picture stood out. She grabbed it and inspected it thoroughly.

'Wait...this is the exact picture I have with him!' She looked shocked. "I thought you had forgotten about me" she quickly turned around. "W-What're you talking about?" She rubbed her neck sheepishly. "It's either you forgot about me or you decided to act like you don't remember me..."

"Oh" was all she could say. She was shocked after all.

"I did forget your name, never your face and never the memories I made with you. Only ever the name..." she looked down. "It's okay...it happens. We lost contact after you moved anyway..." she nodded. "Yeah"


Sasuke walked Naruko home so she wouldn't be bothered. Once she opened the door and walked into the living area she was brought with surprised faces and crying faces. Iruka ran up and hugged her with tears in his eyes.

"I was so worried about you! You'd been gone for two days!!" He hugged her tightly. She cried into his shoulder, they all sat her down properly and let her explain what happened.


Naruko laid in her room bored. She decided to go and ask Iruka about her parents. After seeing the pictures at Sasukes, she's been wondering more then ever before.

"Hey dad? Can I ask you something..." she walked into the kitchen where he was. "Sure, whats up?" She took a deep breath. "What were my birth parents like?"

He stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Oh...um..that was unexpected. Uh sure I'll tell you, just come here." He walked up stairs into his room, Naruko followed close behind.

"They were very good people, always trying to help. I didn't know them that well personally, you'd have to ask Kakashi but I can give you pictures." He handed her a picture with all four of them. Kyuubi was older but not by much, Naruko was a little baby. She smiled at the picture. "Okay, thanks dad!" She hugged him and ran to her room to try and weigh out the remaining time till Kakashi got home.


Naruko slowly opened her eyes. She had fallen asleep while waiting for her dad. She slowly got up and looked outside seeing that it was quite late. "Mmmm....how long did I sleep..?" She looked to her alarm surprised at the time. It'd already been more than 5 hours that she's been asleep. She creeped outside her room and down to the kitchen to get food as she was quite hungry.

She crept into the kitchen only to nearly scream from fear. She held onto her chest shaking. She looked up with tears in her eyes and seen Jiraiya eating food in the late night. "Y-Yo..." she walked up to him and smacked him against the head. "You scared me!" She whisper yelled. "Sorry!" He gave a sheepish grin. "Ramen as an apology?"

Naruko smiled and nodded. "Yeah!"


Jiraiya and Naruko sat in her favorite ramen shop as a kid. "Ero-Sennin...I found out who he is.." Jiraiya looked at Naruko with surprise. "And here I thought you were to stupid to eve figure it out!" "Oi!!" She whacked him.

"I'm not that stupid!! Anyway yes I figured it out. When I was captured I thought about him, and I suddenly remembered who he was. Probably because when I was being bullied as a kid I'd call for him....in my head that is" she slurped her Ramen up.

"So? Who is it?" Jiraiya set his chopsticks down and gave her his full attention. "Sasuke... he's this really popular guy in school." He lifted a brow. "Oh? And does he remember you?"

"Yeah...he mentioned it before taking me home..." Jiraiya sprung from his seat. "Wait! That guy who brought you home the other day?!" Naruko nodded.

"Yep that's him." Naruko went and ordered more Ramen. "Oh~ now this is interesting.." Jiraiya grinned.


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