Chapter 7. Some Pictures...

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I walked home and recalled the dream I had in the infirmary. 'Why now? Why not sooner?!!?' I sighed and stopped, seeing I had been next to the park in my dream. I walked over towards the swing and sat down sighing more. "I wish I didn't leave the way I did....we should've stayed in contact! Ack!! I'm so frustrated!" I kicked my foot at my frustrations. I started swinging remember all my childhood day's spent at this exact swing. 'Come to think of It we spent almost all our day's here, and if we weren't here we were out in our secret hideout in the forest....maybe I should go there sometime! Yeah! This weekend I'll see if I can find it" I smiled as I thought of our day's 'but....WHAT'S HIS NAME!!!! ARGH!!!" I abruptly got up from the swing and stormed off half way when I looked back and smiled.
After getting home I sat on my bed thinking at my own frustrations. I looked over at my desk to see a pile of school books and grugedly made my way over, grumbling in the process. "I...still have to study!!" I started to sob when someone slammed open the door, "NARUKO! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!! YOUR BEING TO LOUD! I HAVE FRIENDS OVER!!!!" An Irk mark appeard onto my forehead when Kyuubi had yelled at me. "YOUR BEING LOUDER THAN ME!! AND I DON'T GIVE TWO SH*TS ABOUT YOUR DAMN FRIENDS!!" I could see three heads poke into my room as me and my brother faught. Then dad came in with a dark aura. "Eek!" We both shrieked "!!" We straightened up and nodded furiously. Dad then walked out angry and we glared at each other. Kyuubi then walked out slamming the door and I flopped onto my bed, looking back at the studying I had yet to finish.
An Idea then popped into my mind "💡" (sorry 😂 I had to)
"Maybe I'll call Kiba-Kun to see if he wants to study with me.....Yeah!!" I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.
Then someone picked up, but it wasn't Kiba. It was a female, "Hello? This is the Inuzuka family, How may we help you?" I gulped "I-Is Kiba-Kun there?" I got out from my bed and paced.
"Yes may I ask who this is?"Ah...y-yeah...I'm Naruko Hatake, a friend of Kiba." I then heard loud yelling. I waited a moment and then heard Kiba-Kun's voice "Hello?" I smiled "Hey, It's Naruko" I sat down "N-Naruko...what's up?" I started humming "I wanna know if you want to study with me?" As I hummed the phone went silent. "Yeah, I'd love too. I'll be over soon" I smiled brightly "Alrighty!" I hung up then stared at my room.

'My rooms a mess.....ACK! I need to clean!!" I started to clean my room before Kiba arrived. I picked up a box that was yet to be unpacked and set it on my bed, I looked threw the box to see photo albums. "Oh this is from my old school...." I opened it and seen my friends from my previous school. "Wonder how their doing...maybe I'll call them, sometime". I then
grabbed another picture book from my childhood and started to flip threw the pages. I seen a picture of my original parents before they died. I frowned and flipped to another to see my new family. "I remember this day...." I smiled when I heard a knock at the door. "Come in?". Kiba-Kun walked in "Hey Naruko" I smiled.
"What are you doing?" Asked Kiba, I showed him the album. "Just looking at old pictures....". "You said you were looking for an old friend right? Do you think you could find a picture of them in here?" I lit up "That's right! I should...Thanks Kiba!" I started to look threw more till I seen a picture of me with a boy, that wasn't my brother. "This is him....I think" Kiba laughed at me and I giggled. "Does he look familiar to you?" Kiba looked at the boy and nodded. "It's Sas-" Kyuubi then walked in. "Dinners ready" I sighed then put the book away. "Tell me after dinner! Kay" I smiled then walked out. "Those were some pictures..."
(A~N) hey guys!! How's it been? I'm sorry that I haven't updated....I can't even remember the last time I did. So much has happened but I think I'm ready to bring this back and update whoever I can. I'm not sure about exact dates cause of school but let's see how this works😓

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