Chapter 1

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I've fallen asleep on my floor countless times. 

I've woken up on the floor countless times. 

Never have I fallen asleep on my floor and woken up on a fence post. 

Blinded by the brightness of a midday sun, and startled from my unfamiliar surroundings, I end up falling from the fence to the dirt road below. 

I land on all four paws. Wait-

"Woof! Woof!"

"Akamaru! Yamero!"

A high-pitched whine comes from the familiar white dog (puppy) as it turns towards the familiar boy who called it. Akamaru barks at me once more before following Kiba back in the direction they came from. 

Shocked, confused, and unsure of myself, I simply follow my gut instinct (and my nose - I could smell something good) and go with the flow. 

Walking the vaguely familiar streets of Konoha, I find that I can function well in this body as long as I don't consciously think about it. From what I can tell, I'm likely a small black cat, but that's only going by the parts of me I can see and feel, which is so very, very odd. 

Following a faintly sweet smell, I soon come across a somewhat recognizable shop. 

"The dango cafe," I realize belatedly, already standing near one of the pillars that surround the outside seating area. 

Unsure of how welcomed I will be in my current form, I simply sit and watch the customers. Unfortunately, I can barely understand most of them. 

It's unfortunate that they speak Japanese, but I don't feel the need to worry given that I doubt anyone is expecting me to speak fluently anytime soon. 

I hear "dango" several times, as well as other common phrases like "itadakimasu" and "gochisousama deshita", but I can't really understand any of the context in most conversations. 

After what I estimate to be half an hour, a young, dark-haired woman starts making a "tsk"ing noise. I'm ashamed to say it took me several minutes to realize she was calling to me. 

As soon as I notice, I pad over, wary yet friendly. Unsure of what to do once I'm in front of her, she taps the bench and I jump onto it next to her. 

She lets me sniff her hand (unnecessary, but she does smell faintly of lavender) before starting to pet me. I let her continue without complaint. (Free massage!)

As she pets me, she coos and chats with the other women at the table. Amid all the foreign nonsense, I hear "kawaii", "neko", "koneko", and, for some reason, "Uchiha". 

When the famous (or infamous) clan name comes up, I sense more than see or hear their reactions. For a moment after it is spoken, a somber gloom comes over the group, then brightens as the other girls repeatedly say something about Uchihas, cats, and kittens. 

Perhaps another half hour later, the small group of women showered me with much love and affection before leaving. When a waitress came over to wipe the table, she smiled at me and scratched behind my ear before placing a small piece of unidentifiable meat in front of me. All I knew was that it smelled tasty, and I soon found out that it was as good as it smelled, if not even better. 

Struggling for a second to find what I was looking for, I managed to finally purr my thanks before I practically leapt off the table in excitement. 

In a booth closer to the building than the street, slightly hidden from the bright sunlight, sat none other than Kurenai, Asuma, and Kakashi. 

I immediately jumped into the empty seat next to Kakashi, minutely surprising the three jonin in my sudden and oddly familiar behavior. 

Kurenai and Asuma looked at Kakashi from across the table, and he back at them before noticing my intense stare focused on him. Rubbing the back of his neck, he asks the other two something about me. (He said "neko", so I assume it's me he's referring to.)

Both of them shake their heads, then all three look at me as I curl up next to the silver-haired Hatake. I hear him chuckle awkwardly, then he says, "Gomen," followed by something-something "neko" and something-something "inu". I can only assume he was trying to voice that he wasn't a cat person. I ignored the implication. 

Kakashi (eventually) sighed loudly, said something about Pakkun, and forgot about me for all intents and purposes. 


When I woke up, not knowing when I had dozed off, the booth was empty.


Yamero - stop

Itadakimasu - thank you for the meal

Gochisousama deshita - let's eat

Kawaii - cute

Neko - cat

Koneko - kitten

Gomen - sorry

Inu - dog

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~ Legend 🖤

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