10: the game

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Toshiro pov:

We both didn't want gossips so we agreed to meet under the cherry tree. The one right outside the dango shop.

Kyurin pov:

I had worn my yukata in celebration of the snow festival. Normally it's no big deal for me amd I wouldn't be bothered. But.... its Toshiro. I want to look prettier than usual.

That's when someone familiar came my way 'remember me?'

Kyurin: why... are you here?

'Which? I am alive? Or I am here? Hmm... no. You know I am alive. I came out ...' he bend down to my face level 'look for you. '

Kyurin  what are you talking about?

' I'm serious. I know you would be snooping around. Your mission. Always about them.'

Kyurin: it's not about that today.

'oh? That's something new. Don't tell me... you're really hete for the festival. '

Kyurin: I am. Can't I?

He stood up straight 'as cold as usual. Sure. No problem. But I have something to propose to you.'


He bends down again and whispers 'come back to my side.'

The man's pov:

She blushed slightly.  Have you still have feelings for me? Do you still blush and miss me secretly? Or do you hate me like hell because you found out everything on that day.

I leave her ear ' I promise everything stays the same. You will still stay in the black corps. You love the black corps don't you? The only things changes is... you're mine and you become an arkojo.'

Kyurin:never !!

'Really? This was never a game. We have feelings for each other. We both know.'

Kyurin:its not true!!

Toshiro pov:

I saw what had happened and shunpo ed to her side. I grabbed onto her shoulder. She turned around and said with relief 'Toshiro...' she hugged me tight. 'A while... please...' she said by my ear.

Kyurin pov:

The moment I hugged toshiro all confusion disappeared.  Was he right? Was I wrong? Did I fall too deep into the game? All those disappeared. I love toshiro. I know. Clearly.

' toshiro? You still call people names you like.'

Toshiro: arkojo issac. The person who managed the whole event. You're not just any person are you?

Issac: oh. As expected of taichous. Hai. I'm not kojo as you know me kyurin.

Kyurin: I know.... I just never knew your real name.

Issac: you don't even want to turn your head to me now?

I refuse to turn my head. His face makes me soften. Makes me confuse. I'm afraid I will have the wrong thinking if I turn around.

Issac: you're losing the game kyurin.

Kyurin: shut up... our game supposed to end long time ago.

Issac: too bad I had to stay alive.

Toshiro pov:

She clenched onto my shirt harder the moment he said that.

Toshiro: the event needs its master don't you think?

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