Chapter 12: Chaos

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Kao was surprised at the kiss but he couldn't help himself so he gave in and wrapped his arms around Pete. Pete let out a pleased groan and hugged him harder. He had tried his hardest to keep Pete at bay as he was afraid he didn't have as deep feelings for him. But now after the strangest night he has had, he simply wanted to bask in this familiar arm and he relaxed in his arms. Letting go of his masks as he melted into the bed, Pete overwhelming him as he towered on top of him.

Pete caught Kao's unresisting hands and pinned them against the pillow. Kao sighed and bit Pete's lips at which Pete let out a yelp. Pete pulled back and then smirked at Kao. Kao growled and then punched his shoulder. Pete whined but a smile was gracing his face.

Pete sighed and then laid next to Kao on his bed. Kao tilted his head until he was looking at him thoughtfully.

"Did the random guy...did he hurt you in anyway? Did he touch you?" Pete asked worryingly. Kao looked at him, Pete's eyes seemed to be in despair and Kao didn't understand why that would be.

"No...I think he tried but something must have happened as after that my memory is a blank but I don't feel hurt... " Kao whispered back, feeling confused.

Pete hummed and then wrapped himself around Kao, as if feeling worried. They stayed together in silence for a while before Pete spoke up again.

"How was your....err date with that guy?" Pete asked reluctantly, as if clenching his teeth as he spoke. Kao raised his eyebrows and then let out a little smirk.

"Good until you interrupted" Kao shot back, he felt still bitter at that Pete had said and his refusal to see them seriously.

Immediately a flash of anger went through Pete and he looked at him glaringly. When Pete saw the glare in Kao's eyes as well, the temper calmed down. Pete looked away but now was absolutely silent.

"You shouldn't go on dates with other guys..." Pete trailed once again, his hands tracing Kao's jawline. Kao tilted his head again and raised his eyebrows.

"And what incentive do I have to not do that? It's not like I am in a relationship. I am not tied down. Can you explain to me why Pete?" Kao asked once more, giving Pete another chance.

When Pete remained quiet still, Kao let out a scoff and sat up.

"That's what I thought. Sorry for having a little hope. I know where I stand now..." Kao said it and tried to leave but before he could leave he felt Pete's hand clasping his and the grip was hard. Pete pulled Kao back to the bed and a startled Kao's eyes met Pete once more.

"Pete..." Kao whispered. Pete seemed conflicted opening his mouth and closing. Just as Kao was about to give up again Pete sighed and laid his head on Kao's shoulder.

"I...I want to be your boyfriend" Pete spoke calmly. Kao's eyes went wide when he heard that, shock coating his face as he looked at Pete but his head was still buried in Kao's shoulders. Kao wrapped his arms around Pete's shoulders loosely.


"I drive me crazy. And the thought of anyone else kissing you or doing anything drives me mad. I...I hate that thought. I can't stand it. And seeing that tall tree kissing sent me in rage. I...I didn't want that. I don't want anyone doing that to you. So I...I am not afraid to say that. I want you to be mine so no one else can claim you. I want you to be mine exclusively..." Pete trailed that as he finally picked his head up and looked into Kao's eyes, "Will you give me that chance?" Pete asked.

Kao smiled tearily and then punched Pete's shoulder once again. Pete then let out a yelp.

"Hey! What was that for? Is that a no?" he asked whiningly.

Love At First HateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora