Chapter 6: Are you mine?

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He was shrouded in darkness. He couldn't see where he was. A fleeting feeling, he couldn't grasp his comprehension. He was in a forest, a familiar forest.

He had been there before but he couldn't remember when or why.

He just knew the forest was familiar. The leaves, the roots and the soil...the clearing. He recognized it all. He had seen them all before somewhere but he didn't know where. His body walked automatically but he didn't remember why particularly.

He felt like a stranger, someone who had taken backseat in his body as it did things which he wasn't even controlling.

He watched as he saw himself walk through the dark forest.

Nothing was making sense but this scene felt familiar, even if he didn't remember it, so he simply watched.

Kao felt the leaves on his hand as he walked and touched it. The odd sense of de ja vu left him utterly baffled but he watched and observed himself.

Finally, he saw himself sit down on a log and curl his legs up. He saw himself lean on his chin and wait patiently.

Kao had had this type of dream repeatedly since he was a child. He was always in a clearing and he was always waiting here on the rock. But he wouldn't be alone for long. He knew what was happening next. In a minute or two the male figure who had been haunting his dreams since he was a child would come. Hell, his repeated this dream, especially the interaction he has with the soon coming figure, was what made him realise that he was gay.

Like clockwork, 2 minutes after he saw himself sit down on the log, a figure came into the clearing. His literal dream prince...the guy he had been dreaming off in this exact dream for the past few years since his childhood. The only problem was...he could never remember the guy's face. He knew his dream prince had shaggy dark hair with loose bangs and piercing eyes but for some reason every time he woke-up he would forget the features and recognizable signs. Including the voice. It annoyed him. Kao knew he would forget the features of this guy but for the moment he simply enjoyed this familiar recurring dream which sometimes felt more real than simply a dream......

He watched as his prince appeared and he swooped down to wrap his arms around his dream counterpart's shoulders. As always his dream self-appeared startled and he turned to glare at tall guy who was sitting next to him.

"Did you miss me?" the husky yet now oddly familiar voice spoke.

"No!" he shouted it while whacking the guy's face. The guy chuckled but he didn't appear to even be pulsed. The guy smiled and wrapped his arms around his waist and he pulled him closer to close the distance between the two. Kao gasped. Though he was an odd spectator he could feel the kisses through him and he gasped. His eyes widened and like clockwork the guy pulled back though he kept his nose leaning against his dream self.

Kao knew what was gonna happen next in this dream. He had had it enough of times to recognize it. Now this dream would fade and he would wake up.

............but something was different this time.

The scene did not fade...the dream did not fade and he wasn't waking up. The dream carried on.

Kao's eyes widened as he watched the dream unfold. The man cupped his dream self's cheek and his smile lessened. A serious expression overtook him as he looked at him.

"What's wrong...? I can tell when something is wrong with you" the man's deep voice asked.

Kao was now frozen....this was new. This never happened in his dreams. The scene never continued. He has seen this dream since childhood and it had never changed....but now it was continuing.

He watched fascinated at the dream consciously.

"My parents have decided my wedding..." he heard his voice say it.

Kao was confused but he observed as the man's face darkened as his grip on Kao's face tightened. He looked down solemnly before he looked up again to grip his eyes in a strong eye contact...

"Sun...are you mine?" he asked as he looked into his dream counterpart's eyes. Kao was spellbound as he witnessed his dream prince hold a new conversation with his dream counterpart.

His counterpart sobbed and then slapped his shoulder.

"Of course I am...I will always be yours and you'll be mine....but you know how things are. If we...if we try to do anything both of our parents will kill us. You know that..." he said it, his voice sounding hollow, full of melancholy.

The man's piercing eyes kept looking. Determination seeped off him. He looked at him diligently and then he pulled him closer until they were nose to nose once again.

"I won't give up on us. Come hell or high water, I will fight. We will fight. We will...we won't give up. I believe in our love..."

"I believe in our love to...but I don't want you to die. I'd swallow anything but I can't have you dead..." he heard his own words echo these words.

Kao gulped as the sense was overwhelming him. It was a dream yet why did he feel overwhelmed? This was just a dream!

He wrapped his hands now around his neck and then pulled him flush into a hug.

"You actually think something like death would keep us apart? No matter how this matter what happens. I will always find you. We will always find each other...." He pulled out of the hug and looked up at him with teary eyes.

"Can you promise that?"

The prince smiled confidently and he grasped his hand to pull up against his chest, over his heart.

"I can promise that. No matter what, even death can't keep us apart. We will always find each other. I will always find you..."


The blaring ring of his alarm clock shattered Kao's consciousness and he jumped up from his sleep, disorientated. He woke up with such a force that he rolled out of the bed and fell on the floor.

The alarm clock kept blaring but for once he was in no hurry to shut it down.

His mind was still in the throws of his dream that he was rudely shaken out off...

He had been having the same dream as long as he could remember...but this time something new happened. It didn't stop it continued.

And the new parts made him so confused. He was filled with feelings of happiness and incredible anguish. It didn't make sense.

Nothing made sense, especially his own emotional response. His eyes actually teared up and that made no sense!

Still disorientated as he thought of the details, his eyes went to the clock and he cursed as he realised that if he didn't start get ready he would be late for university.

He slammed the clock shut and raided the closet.

Though two thoughts kept running through his mind as he got dressed. First, why did this dream felt less like a dream and more real? And second...before he had never remembered any recognizable feature on the prince after he woke up. Yet today for the first time he remembered parts of the prince's face............why did the guy sound and resemble Pete?


Note: I am curious to see what everyone's prediction is here. What do you think is happening? In case it wasn't obvious we are back to present now. This Kao is from 2 years into present not the 1st year Kao. Though we will be flashing back to 1st year Kao too. What do you think?

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