Chapter 7: Lovefool

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Present Time

Kao laughed as he ate his breakfast. Almost choking as he heard Kongphob and Waii talk.

It was nice to see them both once more. In their childhood they used to be much closer, all 3 of them obsessed with their swimming club. But over the years they went to their separate ways. Both of them became very busy with their family and since Kao started engineering in his university he barely had anytime. So it was nice to have this mini reunion in his house this weekend. Hell it was Waii crashing in his house that cause him to be late that morning which had Pete pissed off enough to have 3 rounds in the bathroom. He was still sore thinking about it.

As if summoned by the thoughts, he heard his phone beep and Kao looked down to see who had texted him. When he saw the familiar name flashing he frowned thoughtfully.

"What are you doing today?" from Dickhead (the name he so thoughtfully gave to Pete as his contact name.)

Kao frowned at this as he stared at the text. This was a first time getting a text from Pete on an off day. Though it has been years since he struck the deal to help his mother (and since then his mother has gotten better and was healthy) they still kept it going. Kao never brought it up with Pete even though he could have. After all the reason for doing it has vanished yet...they were still carrying on this deal. Kao didn't want to admit why he hadn't brought it up yet. He didn't want to admit it outloud that he started to look forward to their shenanigans. That he wasn't very reluctant. That somehow, over the years, that asshole had managed to carve a little space in his heart. Hell...if he was really honest to himself he knew that he had always gravitated towards Pete. Even in high school when the dickhead bullied him for being gay, even then he couldn't hate him. He hated himself for still finding him attractive. Something about him pulling at him. And now, since they spend all the time together (in hiding) it had simply fanned that attraction.

Since his recent dreams he realised something. The dreams which he had been having since he was a child had often starred the same prince. But recently he realised that the voice and facial figures matched Pete very creepily. It made no sense but he did. And he had had those dreams before he ever met Pete. It made no sense. Yet now, since he noticed the similarities, his dreams left him more breathless and wanting more. Add in the years he had spend with just made it more.

He didn't want to admit it but...he liked Pete alot. And he wanted something real, an actual relationship. He didn't want it to stay a deal. He wanted more. But Kao didn't know how to ask or try to push for more. He valued his pride okay! And whether he liked it or not, Pete was his big rival in the university. No way was he going to let him have his power...or give him the power to reject him. Yes Pete was the one who started this messy deal but the guy wanted him for sex. Kao wanted more and he needed to figure out a way to get his attention without giving up his power.

He simply stared at the text from the guy who unknowingly held his heart. Wondering what he could possibly do. He pondered and tapped his fingers on the phone. While he was waiting and wondering, another text from said dickhead came.

"Oi! Why are you ignoring me?" from Dickhead.

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