Chapter 8: Jealousy Part 1

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Sometimes Kao wondered why he listened to his crazy friends. He was sitting in his class during the lecture, in his normal seat, surrounded by Thada, June and Ae. Though he was staring at the lecturer, he could feel the heat coming off the glare he had trained on him. A quick glance to his right had him noticing that the glare was coming from Pete. A very displeased Pete.

And the reason for this glaring? Because Kao had set in motion the masterplan which Kongphob had come up with. What was Kongphob's genius plan? Jealousy. Not with Kongphob himself, but no. Waii is the sacrificial lamb. Kao groaned as he flash backed to the kiss before the lecture.


Letting out a groan Kao pushed Pete off him and looked at him. As much as it pained him to resist he had to otherwise Pete would take too much liberties and think that Pete can easily rule over Kao. Which was not a habit he wanted Pete to have.

"Stop it! We have to go to lecture Pete" Kao spoke it while shaking his head at Pete's shit eating grin. Pete scowled at his words and then hummed as Kao started walking once more. While he was walking he got the courage to say the words which Kongphob had drilled into him.

"I won't be able to meet you at our normal spot after school" Kao stated it casually. He saw Pete freezing right next to him and turned to look at him. Pete was frozen and he was scowling while staring at him suspiciously.

"And why not?"  Pete asked.

Kao then looked at him with his poker face on.

"Because I need to leave university early today.  The reason I didn't get back to your text over the weekend is because my childhood reallly really good friend came back to visit me. He is also transferring here for his final year of engineering degree to spend time with me. So he thought it would be a good idea if he meets up with me again today after university to get information as he is coming here tomorrow!" Kao stated it while staring at Pete as casually as he could.

It was a piss poor story. Hell Waii had already finished his engineering degree a year early last year with the best degree. It was one thing Kao envied but Kongphob knew enough people to fake things so Waii could join the university regardless. Kao didn't understand how anyone could believe it to be honest. He thought it was shit but Kongphob insisted that plot didn't matter that much, if Pete truly had any real feelings for him the jealousy will boil over regardless the plot plausibiliy. Kao didn't think Pete would fall or it or even be effected by said plot but he went with it as Kongphob was very confident so he went for it.

One look at Pete once again had Kao surprised. He didn't think Pete would be bothered but the anger burning in his eyes at the moment had Kao surprised. Pete looked angry and annoyed. He was not only believing Kao's bullshit but he was being effected by it too! What the hell! His jaw fell as he observed Pete.

"A good friend huh? And you are meeting him after uni?" Pete scoffed while glaring at him.

Kao kept his cool and nodded.

"So I can't meet you after univeristy." Before giving Pete any chance, Kao walked off and into the classroom.


Since then Kao had been getting glares from Pete. This happened even during lunch time and now in their final class of the day he was still glaring away. He had no incentive of things going right or Kongphob's plan actually working but so far so good. He doubted whether Pete would do what Kongphob predicted next.

But it was worth a try and said plan was in motion anyway.

So Kao paid vague attention to the class while keeping an eye on the clock. It was while he was thinking about Pete that he felt someone else glaring at him from a different direction. One that wasn't coming from Pete's side. Curious, Kao turned to look where he felt the glare coming from and his eyes widened when he spotted the girl who had been glaring at him.

His eyes widened as he saw Mint glaring at him. That was something new, he raised his eyebrows as he confusedly stared at Mint.

Mint was one of the strangest ones in their degree. When she was in first year she was in Pete's gang, she tried to date Pete but after Pete (very publically) dumped and humiliated her, she changed her affiliation to Kao's gang. Bizzarely, very soon after she joined Kao's gang, she tried to date him but Kao was not interested. He explicitly stated as humanely as he could that he was gay and he would never even dream of dating her but Mint seemed to think that being gay was a lifestyle fashionable choice and she vehemently believed that he would change his mind and correct his path soon. It was ridiculous how delusional one person could be. So she was still a member of his gang but no member in his gang took her seriously because of her bizzare mind view.

Why was she suddenly glaring at him? It made no sense.

Kao looked away from Mint when he heard everyone clearing their stuff. He looked back at the clock and realised that it was the right time.

He then gave a quick look to his own half of the gang.

"I have to go now. I am meeting someone" Kao stated it with a smile.

"Oooh do you have a hot date Kao Kao!" June asked, looking perky.

"Well....maybe. It's Waii, my childhood friend you know about him" Kao said it while looking at Thada and June.

"Wait your first crush Waii?" Ae asked while staring at Kao.

Kao's eyes widened, he had completely forgotten about his childhood crush. Yes growing up his first crush had been Waii. It was the first sign when he realised his sexuality but who wouldn't crush on Waii? His face was something else.  Though his old feelings for Waii paled in comparison to the current feelings he had for the dickhead that is Pete. Why did he fall for the difficult ones? His love life would be so much smoother if he felt for Waii the strongest. Though Kao completely forgot he had told Ae that much.

Kao opened his mouth to deny but then a loud crash was heard. Kao and his gang turned their head to notice that the notebook which had been in Pete's hand was snapped in half and he looked furious.

Kao blinked in surprise while Pete's gang members asked him what was wrong.

Using the distraction around him, Kao quickly threw a goodbye at his friends and ran off.

"Have fun at your date!" Thada shouted while other people in Kao's gang laughed. Pete's gang members did not say anything, but many people were not paying attention to Pete's furious face.  Pete looked angry and was becoming even more red.

No one except Mint whose eyes were boring holes into Pete, looking angry.

Pete glared at his gang members and sharply told them to disperse. They left and Kao's gang left too. Pete stiffly stood up, eyes full of fury as he got ready to run off himself when someone caught his hand. Pete froze and angrily turned to look back at who dared to interrupt him in his warpath. His eyes widened when he noticed that it was Mint holding onto his hand.

"What the hell do you want Mint?" Pete asked scowling. She had been in Kao's gang for the past few years, why is she talking to him now?

"Pete I....I want to join back your gang and date you again" Mint stated.

Pete's eyes widened in surprise but before he could even say anything, she leaned forward and kissed him.

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