Chapter 4: The Night Where It Began Part 2

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3 years ago still


Kao ran as if the devil was after him. His heart pounded as his mind tried to make sense of the incident in the bathroom stall. Oh god, oh god, oh god. Did he actually spend time willingly making out with his school bully?

He shook his head and tried to ignore it but his lips and chest was still burning from Pete's touch. He couldn't believe it...the guy who bullied him so much in school for being gay gave him the best make out of his life! All the experience he has had with his ex-boyfriends (and he wasn't a blushing virgin!!) and yet somehow Pete's touch...his kisses short-circuited his mind and he lost it.

It was addictive...he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Just reminiscing about it had his speed slowing down until he was just aimlessly walking, bumping into the crowd in the club as he strolled along. The heat from his hands...and his lips. Oh his sinful lips and touch. Curse his pretty face and his talent. He couldn't even now hate Pete as now he had ensnared his senses. From his school bully and current gang university rival!! Kao shuddered as he lethargically made his way back to his friends and cousin. In a daze he sat down back next to Knock and his friends.

By the time he had made it back, he realised that they were much more drunk compared to before. By the looks of empty shot glasses on the table it was clear that they had gone crazy as there were at least 20 glasses present. A part of him felt glad because now they wouldn't notice his dishevelled appearance and dazed state.

Well...that's what he hoped. He was wrong.

After few seconds of him sitting down, as if sensing something amiss, his cousin Knock immediately zeroed in on him and clasped his arms around his shoulder.

"Yo cousin! What's wrong with you? Did someone harass you in the bathroom? You were gone for a long time..." Knock declared loudly as he hiccupped.

Kao immediately stiffened at hearing that, as it hit close to the truth. Though he wouldn't say Pete harassed him when he shamelessly enjoyed it happily and gave in with abandon.

Knock though seemed to have taken it as confirmation because now he clutched his face drunkenly and looked at him intently.

"Wait did someone actually harass you? My baby cousin?! Who was it? Let me at him!" Knock raged as he cursed and unconsciously held Kao closer.

Kao simply cursed at his cousin. This is why Knock never found out about the bullying he had to go through his school. After all, not only would Knock pretty much knock out anyone who picks on him...he would have had to explain to Knock why he was being bullied in school. He still hadn't told Knock that he was very much gay. Knock wasn't homophobic, at least he had never seen any of those tendencies on his cousin. But he didn't want to change Knock's perception of him so he kept quiet. His mother and sister knew but not his very wealthy cousin.

And he certainly wasn't now telling his sexuality or his confused make out session with his former assumed homophobic bully (he's going with assumed because how could Pete be homophobic and have no problem making out with him?) when Knock was blind drunk in a crowded club. Kao clasped his cousin and pretty much brother's hands over his own cheeks and gave Knock a deadpan look.

"You need to chill. The queue in the bathroom was just long and I'm exhausted, so relax you don't have to knock anyone out!" Kao reassured him.

His face must have conveyed some truthful mask despite his lies because Knock lost the scowl in his face and smiled. Kao smiled in relief but then he felt as if someone was glaring daggers at him.

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