Chapter 5: A Faustian Deal

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Present Time

June and Thada tapped their pens as they kept looking out of the door for any sign of their unwilling leader. The lecture was about to start in 5 minutes. They had saved Kao a seat but the guy actually had to appear first. Ideally before their teacher barged in. Yet the guy still hadn't appeared. The friends vaguely wondered why it was taking so long. They knew where he was. After all, everyone knew. There were certain times during the day everyday that the 2 gang leaders of the engineering department would speak together to discuss their routine for the week.

Though the two sides didn't get along, they had to have some cooperation and rules. So everyday both would meet up to discuss stuff. Always from 8 am and then again after 3 pm. It has been that way for years. So they knew that if Kao wasn't here it was because he was talking with the asshat Pete. Though usually their talks didn't run this long. He wondered why Pete was talking forever. Thada then felt glares coming his way and he turned to see that he was being glared at by Sandee and Pick, Pete's right and left hands, the two high up in the hierarchy after Pete himself. They were glaring directly at them.

Soon, every member in the classroom belonging to the 2 opposing gangs started glaring at each other, the tension mounting. It was insane to think how this had all stemmed because of one fight. The batch senior to them found this fraction and rivalry crazy and insane. They had tried to stop it but it didn't work. The crack and divide carried on for all these years. And it had began because of one case of privilege. Though everyone in their university was rich (Kao being the only one there in their batch on scholarship) the type who were there were different. They all had a degree of wealth. They still did. Yet the main reason which had caused a chasm between their engineering batch and the reason which had half the pupils backing an unwilling Kao and making him the rival leader was Pete's big headedness. The guy, being the principal's son, would get away with anything. It was only Kao standing up to him that inspired this fire which was highly active and tense even now.

Both sides glared at each other, blaming each other's leader for keeping them away so late. The tension was building and building. It would have probably caused a riot soon if the door didn't slam open just then. Thada looked away, assuming the teacher had barged in but before he could curse he noticed that it wasn't the teacher. With 2 minutes to spare, Kao had just marched in (looking incredibly dishevelled) and behind him was Pete. Actually, both of them looked dishevelled. Their shirts were untucked and they both unkept wild hair. Kao immediately ran and took the seat next to him while Pete leisurely walked to the seat next to Sandee.

Just like that, the tension which had been building vanished and everyone settled. Thada turned to look at Kao.

"What took you guys so long this morning?" Thada whispered as the teacher finally walked in.

"He was in a...displeased mood" Kao spoke as he rubbed his neck. It was then June caught a glimpse of his neck...a little red spot. June leaned in and hissed.

"Is that a hickey I see in your neck Mister? Do I need to tell Knock that someone is finally showing interest in his baby cousin?!" June asked.

Kao froze but then stiffly looked at June with a glare.

"Hah! Hickey! Are you having a laugh? Between school work, part time job and these ridiculous meetings with Pete, you think I actually have time to hook up with someone, much less enough time to have hickeys? Don't be ridiculous! It's just a mosquito bite..." Kao spoke while rolling his eyes and turning his gaze back to the teacher.

Kao's argument was sound, the dude never had any time so where would he get time to have a secret lover? That appeased Thada and June's curiosity and they believed Kao. Both paid attention to the teacher, but Kao sneakily looked over at Pete and gave him a glare while he kept his hand over the hickey which that asshole gave him. Kao was actually sore today. That asshole knew the rules. No visible signs but no! Today, for reasons he didn't know, not only was Pete rough, he also left a glaringly obvious hickey. He is glad he is a convincing liar otherwise his friends would have realised.

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