Chapter Thirty-Two

Start from the beginning

"This is my bucket list." He declared as he graciously placed a hand on his chest. I laughed. "Check!" He placed a check mark in the box next to the first thing. "Read Wuthering Heights. Check!"

"You read that?"

"You're always reading it that while you were in a coma, I made a challenge for myself to read it."

"Wow, that's ... thanks, Nick." He smirked then turned his face and tapped his cheek. I giggled and kissed it.

"That's my girl. Also, what a strange book. I actually had to look up notes on each chapter just to understand it."

"You have to read it a few times to understand it." He kissed my cheek with an 'okay.' "What else?"

"Skip class. Check. Um ... date the girl I fell in love with over text." I blushed and hid my hands under my thighs. "Check."

"Okay, my turn!" I grabbed the notebook from him and began writing a few of my own goals. "Sit on this bench with the nicest guy in school. Check!"

"Not the most handsome?"

"Kiss the hottest guy in school. Mm. Still haven't done that one."

"Okay, you're done." Nick grabbed the notebook and placed a check on the box next to 'kiss the hottest guy in school.' Then he put it away. He grabbed his lunch and I grabbed mine.

"It's a really nice day today." I pointed out. Nick just nodded. "So, what school are you planning on going to? Sorry if you already told me."

He shook his head. "I'm not going to school. Or at least, I'm gonna follow you. You got into Provo and I might just go to UVU. I applied and got in, so why not?"

"Why follow me?"

"Because you actually have a future planned out."

"I want to ... serve a mission. Are you okay with that?"

"You wanna get married or something?" My face turned red and I looked away.

"I didn't mean it like that. I guess what I mean is ... don't bank on a future with me. Know that I have to leave for eighteen months."

"You don't have to. You're choosing to." I opened my mouth to defend myself until he cut me off. "And I'm going to support you in that decision." He smiled at me and I shyly returned it. "Who knows? I might just go on a mission myself. I'm not sure yet. Not that I'm scared to go to a foreign country or speak a different language, but that I'm not going to know the gospel well enough to teach another person." I grabbed his hand.

"Nick, missionaries like you are the ones who convert the most people. Telling your conversion story can be a powerful tool in missionary discussions. And your testimony. As long as you have a testimony of the basics, you're gonna do just fine."

"And what are the basics?"

"Um ... believing in God and that He lives. Believing that Christ is His Only Begotten Son and that he atoned for your sins. And believing that the gospel has been restored to the earth."

"That's easy enough." I nodded. "Thanks, Stacy. For everything."

"Right back atchya." He leaned in and I let him kiss me.

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