Chapter Eight

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I walked around the museum by myself, or so I thought. Nick Cam and Kyle Everett were following me. I caught the cute brunette staring at me occasionally as his blond friend acted as though he was actually reading the information the museum was displaying.

Nick always turned his head when I caught a glance from him. It was kind of freaking me out. Every time he looked at me it almost made me think of my Nick. He had discovered my last name. I didn't know how and his sudden realization was scaring me. He easily could have been trying to make me fall in love with him so that he could kill me. What if all the information I was feeding him was being recorded in a binder of some sort?

"It's Stacy ... right?" Nick Cam came up to me after a while of stalking me. I nodded at his question and looked down at my feet. We were standing in front of a bunch of prospectors and gold panners. "Hi," he simply said. I looked up slightly and smiled.

"You're Nick Cam?" He nodded, a sort of look of surprise on his face.

He seemed to shift on his feet awkwardly. "Do you um ... like museums?" I pushed up my glasses and folded my arms over my large chest.

"Yeah, kind of. They're easier to enjoy when there aren't a bunch of teenagers who aren't surrounding you who don't want to be here." He chuckled. "Do you like museums?"

He shrugged. "They're okay. Kind of boring, to be honest." I nodded. "What's your favorite time period in history? I know this museum is only supposed to tell us of our town but if you were able to go to a big one like one in New York or even San Francisco." I was surprised he was still talking to me and even asking me questions. I stealthily glanced around for any hidden phones or giggles. I didn't want to be pranked. I then told myself to be alert for each question and give simple answers, making sure not to delve too deep and make a fool of myself.

"I think I would have liked to visit the Romantic Era."

"Romantic Era? When was that?" I smiled down at my feet at his ignorance.

"The Romantic Era was during the late eighteenth century and ended a little after the eighteen-forties."

"Why that period?"

I shrugged. "It's a time when romance was alive. Books were breaking society rules, inventions were proving the possible, artists were depicting beauty. You?"

He was staring at me as I had studied the wax figures in front of us. When I turned to him with my question he shook his head and looked away. "I don't know. I like learning about wars. Maybe just the twentieth century as a whole." I nodded. He looked at me and I blushed at his silly smile. "I mean, it was a time," he began in a mocking voice, "where books were revealing the truth of society, and inventions were making life a hell of a lot easier, and artists were becoming progressive and using their works to spread propaganda." I giggled and he smiled again at me with a cute one.

I remember my Nick asking me what my favorite subject was and I had said history. Nick Cam had chosen the perfect subject to discuss with me.

"It seems you know a thing or two about the nineteen-hundreds." I said, he shrugged.

"I try." The teacher called all our names and we were back on the bus again. I plugged in headphones and decided to text Nick Noah back.

"How did you find out my last name?"

"I simply asked Jane."

"Wait, my Jane?"

"Jane Lindquist."

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