Chapter Four

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I stumbled into my bedroom unable to make out the distance of the floor. It kept moving in and out of focus and looked as though it was hundreds of feet away with each step I made. Dan's party was insane. The cops showed up and I barely got out of there alive.

I flopped down on my bed and groaned when my mystery girl texted me. The glow of my phone tempted me to reach for it as if it were one of the drugs I participated in taking earlier.

"Hope you didn't party too hard. Be safe."

Man, this girl was genuinely worried about me. Just like she was with her Jane friend. Was I a friend?

"Are we friends?"

The question sounded pathetic but I was high and drunk and really didn't care.

"Maybe. Either way, I just worry about anyone going to a college party."

Earlier I had confessed going to Dan's party later. Another name she found out about and we still didn't know each other's! She told me not to go and I realized she'd never been to a party before. I told her she was invited, without knowing where she even lived, and she said "no thanks."

"Thanks for the concern, I appreciate it."

I was amazed at how my brain was able to text so fluently as if it wasn't up in the clouds.

"Are you back?"


"Are you drunk?"

"Will you chastise me if I am?"


"Then no."

"I don't believe you."

"Hey, are you gonna tell me your name or what?"

"I won't even tell you my age. Let alone my name."

"I'm drunk on curiosity."

"Maybe you shouldn't have had so much to drink."

"Isn't it your bedtime or something? You seem like one who would have a curfew or some shit."

"Language! And yeah, I have a curfew."
"But I was ... worried about you."

"Oops, sorry, and you don't have to worry about me. I'm alive and well."


"Yeah, that's true."

"Okay, it's twelve. I need sleep and so do you."

"Yes mom!"

"Don't call me that."

"Night babe."

"Or that."

"My girl?"

She hadn't responded after her last text. But I didn't care. I know I didn't scare her off or anything, I just simply made her mad. But I know it was a good mad. She most likely liked it when I made her mad.

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