Chapter Sixteen

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My phone began to ring and I was immediately irritated. I laid in bed and allowed it to ring. It was Sunday. Who in the heck was calling me on a fricken Sunday?

It didn't go off again and instead a text was sent through. I groaned as I lifted myself to my elbows and reached across to my nightstand. I grabbed my phone and checked who was trying to contact me.

Stacy. Whoops.

"Would you like to join me for church today?"
"I can text you the address."

"Uh, no thanks. I'm pretty tired."
"It's seven in the morning."
"Why does God make you wake up so early!"

"Okay, would you like to come for lunch after?"

Lunch was tempting.


"How about 12?"

I felt nervous as I walked up to Stacy's door at exactly twelve o'clock. I rubbed my hands on the sides of my dark jeans for the hundredth time, trying to rid them of the perspiration that just kept coming. I felt this yesterday before grabbing her for the dance but I was also excited and felt creative. I was confident yesterday. Today, I would be spending the afternoon with her family. And her family were a bunch of saints! How do her parents even feel about me? I'm not a member! Stacy hasn't said anything about her parents liking me or not, so I didn't know if they liked me or not!

I rang the doorbell and Stacy answered. "Nick, I'm so glad you were able to make it." She smiled that smile of hers that I just adored and invited me in. I smiled back and hugged her. I kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. "Oh, this way," she led me around a wall and into the kitchen. It smelt really good. They were having Belgium waffles.

"Hi Nick!" Stacy's mom said. She was making batter as she cooked the waffles. Stacy walked around the kitchen counter and began chopping strawberries.

"Hi, Mrs. Travie." She smiled at me. I noticed that Stacy and her mom were similar in many ways. They both had the same nose, they both had that cute smile, and they both liked to wear their hair in messy buns.

Stacy looked cute today. She wore a yellow skirt with a polka-dotted jean jacket along with a button up flannel. The belt around her waist made parts of her bulge but I truly didn't mind. I honestly just wanted to hug her or something.

As the women cooked, I glanced around for any men and Stacy's sister-in-law, Laura.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Matthew goes to the singles ward. That doesn't get out for another thirty minutes. John and Laura went to the store to get whipped cream, and the twins and Jared are getting their temple recommends. Stacy got her's during Young Women so I just drove her home." I nodded and really only understood half of what Mrs. Travie told me.

"Can I help with anything?" I offered.

"Oh, thank you!" Stacy's mom blushed. "You can make juice." She reached under a cupboard by the oven and grabbed a pitcher. She then grabbed two packets of juice powder and handed them to me. "You can use the tap. Oh, and here." She handed me a wooden spoon.

I filled the giant pitcher up with water as I stole glances from my girl. She mouthed, 'thank you' and I mouthed back, 'I love you.' That got her blushing. Once I finished with making the grape juice, I wandered a little out of the females' sight. I was looking at the many pictures the family had on their walls. A whole wall was dedicated to frames of paintings of pioneers crossing the western plains. I remembered learning about the Mormons and some guy called Brigham Young, their leader, who all left the East for the West. I guessed that being Mormon one had a lot of pride in their history. I wondered if they held any grudges against the government for not doing anything when they were being persecuted against.

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