Chapter Five

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We talked for an hour until she had to leave for her homeless shelter volunteer stuff. That hour on the phone with her made the rest of my Saturday. I wanted to hear her voice again. She was so shy sounding and giggly. I liked it. Never before have I called a girl. I've kept it to Snapchats and texting. But Kelly was different. She didn't have a Snapchat or an Instagram or even a Facebook! Who the heck doesn't have a Facebook!?

I didn't have anything planned for the day so I went to the eerie park and sat on a cold bench in the frigid air, not smoking but reading the book my mystery girl had recommended.

I was about five chapters in when I decided to give my eyes a rest along with my brain. I looked up and took in the spring smell that was getting nearer to enveloping the entire town. I found that same girl from two Saturdays ago giving out sandwiches to the homeless. I realized that she was the girl I had lately been running into by accident. She always seemed distracted when I bumped into her at school. Here in the park, she was all smiles and service. I grabbed out a cigarette and studied the girl. She was chunky. Her thighs were large and her butt was big. Her tummy stuck out as well as thick love handles. Her breasts were huge and puckered and bounced with each step she took. I realized I was checking her out and decided to go back to my book. I threw the cigarette out and went back to reading, silently thinking about the coincidence of the similarities between this girl and Kelly. She had dark hair, glasses, braces, and acne. And she wasn't the skinniest girl.


"Stacy," my mom began, "I feel like you're always on your phone lately." I was helping her set the table until Noah texted me and I stopped to read and reply.

"Sorry, mom." I responded. I put my phone into my back pocket and ignored the alert that meant he texted back.

"I didn't take you for a phone person." She candidly added."

"Well ... there's this boy."

"Boy?" She mocked amusingly.


"What ward is he in?"

"Um," I placed the last fork on a folded napkin. "He's not a member." I thought my mom was going to chew me out but she didn't.

"Hah, I didn't think you were into nonmember boys. Does he have a different faith?"


"I always thought you'd go for a boy in the stake."

"Well, we do talk about church."

"Don't go scaring him away now."

"Hey, I only respond to his questions."

"So he's a friend? An investigator friend?"

"It's deeper than that." I said under my breath. My mom didn't hear and I didn't care to correct her.

"Did you set two more settings for John and Laura?"

"Oh, I forgot." I grabbed two more table settings for my oldest brother and his wife. It was Sunday and every Sunday we had family dinners. We never knew how many people would come until Saturday night. Today it would just be my parents, my five brothers, and me.

"Man, I feel like I haven't seen you all in months!" John said. He was twenty-three and has been married to Laura for three years. They met on their missions and got married once he got back. They moved to Idaho to go to school and the last time we saw them was Christmas and New Years. "Jared, you've grown." He said to our fourteen-year-old brother. "So have the twins!" My younger brothers smiled and sat up taller. "What's been going on in everyone's lives?"

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