Chapter One

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My phone dinged and I looked at it, expecting a text from one of the girls I had flirted with at the party earlier.

My head was ringing from all the alcohol I'd consumed and I wasn't in the mood to read a bright screen.

I pulled my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and squinted at the name on the text. Random number. I hiccuped then fell on my bed. I ignored the text as it began to give me a headache.

I pushed my shoes off then clocked out.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone dinging. It was Saturday. I rolled over to my night stand and grabbed my device.

Jane finally responded to my text.

"Wrong number."

"Oh, sorry, is this not Jane?"

"Nope, you her boyfriend?"


"Sounds like it. You literally said, 'I hope you made it home safely, I'm worried."'

"Please, that's a friend who is genuinely concerned."

"Dude, that's the friend zone."

"I assume this is a boy?"

"Yeah, now that I think about it, you kind of sound like a girl,"

"What if I'm Jane's gay best friend?"

"Least likely. Guys don't say 'boy' and they don't say 'genuinely'."

"I've never texted a boy, I wouldn't know."

"Lame. Am I the first boy you've ever truly texted in your life?"

"I mean, I have five brothers. I text them occasionally."

"Okay, that counts."

I didn't know what to text back. I was surprised at how easy it was to talk to a complete stranger. It was weird. If it was someone I knew, I would have most likely stumbled upon what to text them without making it sound stupid or creepy.

I placed my phone on my nightstand and climbed out of bed. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a loose tank. I then went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I had my volunteer stuff today so I needed to be fast in my getting-ready routine. I tied my hair into a messy bun and put my clothes on. My pants were a bit tight and made my love handles and my gut bulge out. I pulled my tank over myself then grabbed a button up black and red plaid shirt. I slipped on some sneakers and ran downstairs. I grabbed a banana then left for the shelter.


My mystery girl didn't text back and I sort of wish she had. I guess when one points out that they were the wrong number, that's pretty much the end of everything.

I rolled out of bed and stripped myself of my booze smelling clothes. I hopped into the shower then scanned social media on the party last night. After two hours of wasting my time, I decided to go to the gym. I worked out for a little bit until I felt accomplished. When I got back home, I found my mom's ugly boyfriend's car in the driveway.

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