Chapter 25

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"I can't believe you're making me drive all the way back by myself. You are actually the worst friend ever."

Barnaby rolled his eyes, hiding a smile while continuing to fold his clothes. "You're the one that always complains about being stuck in the car with me, Jensen."

"Yeah, but if I'm not telling you to sit still to keep myself busy, what else am I supposed to do?"

Barnaby shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe stop at one of those strip clubs you've always ogled over?"

"I'm not going to a strip club alone."

"I'm down for a road trip."

With the last of his clothes organized, Barnaby zipped up the suitcase and lowered it to the floor.

Everything was just about bare - his bed, his closet, his shelves - all that was left was to untangle the vines and fairy lights from his headboard.

Looking to Jensen's side of the room showed a similar scene. Except, instead of fairy lights hanging about, he had another boy sitting in his bed, painting his nails white.

"Ooh. Ideaaa," Raul sang. "If you want, I can be your plus one. Barnaby, we can swap out when Gil drops you off."

"Y'know," Barnaby agreed, "I think that's a great idea."

Jensen had an interesting reaction to Raul, and Barnaby wasn't oblivious to it. He'd known him for the better part of the last twenty-four hours, and not once had Barnaby heard him tease or mock the other. When he came over that morning, volunteering to help pack, Jensen let him. They talked about Minecraft and Rick and Morty and Magic the Gathering, and the next thing Barnaby knew, Raul was painting his nails.

He was almost considerate.

"I mean," Jensen mumbled, "I guess as long as you don't kill me on the drive, sure."

Raul finished with the last finger and winked. "Nah. I couldn't hurt a guy with glasses."

Barnaby could've sworn he saw a bit of color creep onto his roommate's face.

"Alright." All eyes turned to the door - to Gil as he entered the room. "Car's just about full." His eyes landed right on Barnaby. "How much more needs to go in?"

"A suitcase and the bed decorations," the blond told him. "Think that'll fit?"

A fond smile graced Gil's lips. "With room to spare." He turned to Raul and Jensen. "Raul." He tossed him his keys. "Go make sure I put your crap in the right spot. Take Jensen with you."

"Wow," Jensen commented, "That's not weird or suspicious at all."

In seconds, Gil had dug out a bill from his wallet, crumpled it up, and tossed it at the boy. "Get lunch while you're at it."

Jensen smoothed out the bill and immediately shot Gil a dumbfounded glare.

"C'mon, Jen," Raul said, nudging him with his jump off the bed. "Let's go crash his car."

Raul was out of the room first; Jensen paused when he came within inches of Gil. The man dwarfed him by all measures, but that didn't stop the smaller from aiming his fist. "Hurt him again, and I'll make sure you don't come back next semester."

Gil didn't flinch. Before Barnaby could interject, he placed a calm hand on top of Jensen's, guiding it to his side. Then, he patted his shoulder. "It was nice seeing you again, Jensen."

Jensen instantly stepped out of his reach. His glare fell on Barnaby. "Tell me what he says."

Barnaby wasn't sure what he was looking for to assure him, so he tried for, "O-Okay?"

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