Chapter 24

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Barnaby never had enough friends for anyone to add him to a group chat, but then, he wouldn't exactly call the chat between him, Raul, and Gil friendly.

Raul steered the conversation, and if it weren't for prompting answers from both of them, Gil may not have responded at all. Their mediator advised them that if they wanted to clear the air with one another, they'd need to do it in person, somewhere public. In public, neither one would have more control than the other (even Barnaby's suggestion of meeting at the cafe was shot down), and if emotions ran too high, either would be able to walk away.

They'd decided to meet at the library. It seemed to be the fairest compromise. What better place to resist making a scene, after all?

'In the back by Biographies.'

Barnaby read the message, and a chill that his bomber jacket couldn't protect him against surged down his spine. Perhaps he'd stalled in front of the building long enough.

'Be right there.'

The sky had turned dark - not that it bothered his peers any. They continued to walk right by, presumably more concerned about assignments and finals than the space he took up on the steps. He'd rather those be his biggest concerns, too.

Stuffing his phone into his backpack, Barnaby reluctantly got to his feet. Another group of students passed, and he slipped behind them to enter the library, his blood somehow colder in spite of the added warmth.

He slinked right through the aisles, following his feet before he could have the mind to turn around. He couldn't let fear stop him; as far as he was concerned, he had one more chance.

He spotted the plaque for Biography books and turned a corner. Three vintage armchairs waited, facing each other, blocking out the rest of the world. Gil, seated in one of them, appeared to be submerged in the world of whatever book he was reading.

He didn't look up until Barnaby was in front of him, muttering, "Hey."

"Hey." Gil placed his book into the satchel at his feet, then leaned back in his chair, hands folded in his lap. Like Raul, his nails were painted black. His eyes were as dreary as they'd ever been, lips taut in a straight line.

Barnaby sat across from him, struggling to hold his gaze while clenching and unclenching his hands. Unsurprisingly, they were sweaty. He imagined it wouldn't be long until sweat was beading down his face as well, accumulating under his arms.

He'd been thinking about how the conversation would go all day. What he would say. And yet, under Gil's cold, intimidating gaze, all he could do was stammer, "Sh-Should I start? I mean- want to?"

"Who paid you?"

Barnaby's lips were parted, at a loss for breath and, for moment, an answer. His heart pounded louder in his head, and he looked down, wiping his hands along his legs. "Jensen."

A few seconds of silence followed before Gil's next question, "Are you sleeping with him?"

Barnaby quickly shook his head, squeezing his eyes and pinching the fabric of his pants to center himself. "No. We're not— That wasn't why—"

"But you weren't lying." Gil's voice was monotone. Certain.

Barnaby hunched forward. Much more, and he might've curled himself into a ball. "It was just that one time." He hated how out of breath he sounded already. "It was a bet. N-Not against you. Uhm—" He started to crack his knuckles but quickly switched to rubbing his wrists and fidgeting with his sleeves. "Before the semester started. Jensen and I made this stupid deal on who could lose their virginity first. The winner got $100." He didn't mention that Jensen hadn't meant for him to take it seriously. He was shameful enough, wasn't he?

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