The chase begins

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I heard a gasp from Bella as me and Emmett jumped into her car.

"That's just just Thalia and Emmett," Edward explained. I decided to sit down in the back of her truck as I gazed up at the sky, wondering how I got into this mess.


I sat on our- my sofa thinking about the events of the past few days. It had been a nightmare. Spanish influenza. The reason behind it all.

First it was just mum and dad. As heartbreaking as that was, at least I still had him. But of course that couldn't last.

I was cooking in our- my kitchen when I heard a knock. Since he had been staying overnight in the hospital I was trying to distract myself in anyway possible.

I opened the door hoping it to be Eleanor from school but I had a feeling of dread.

To my surprise it was!
"Can I come in?"
"Sure," I didn't think anything of it at the time. She looked around awkwardly not daring to make eye contact. It made me nervous beyond belief.

But then it struck me. Her mother works as I nurse at Chigago Hospital. No. Please no.


My memeries were haulted when I felt the car stop. I quickly jumped out the car as I saw we had arrived at our house.

Edward Cullens Younger Sister - Twilight Where stories live. Discover now