The First Visit

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  I regret agreeing to come on this shopping trip. I haven't been around this many people in ages. I don't know if I can handle it. We've only been shopping for a couple minutes but I'm looking for anything to distract me from the intense burn in my throat.

I have to admit that I haven't really been listening to Esme these past few minutes, which became clear when she waved her hand in front of me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Esme kept looking over her shoulder at me but I just sent her a small smile which she happily returned.


"...and I think that's it! Let's go check out." I nearly ran to the counter, desperate to get back to our house as soon as possible.

When we do I tell Esme that I was just going out to hunt so she reminded me to be back in time for when Edward arrives.


I had been sitting in my room for a while before Esme called from downstairs,
"Will you come help make dinner?" It sounded like a question but I knew I'd get in trouble if I didn't.
"Sure," I answered.

I didn't exactly want to make dinner for the human. What was she to me? I know she's dating my brother but I just don't know if this is a great idea.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard the tv playing some cooking show. When I got to the bottom I saw everyone at a different station in the kitchen. I decided to go help Esme grate the cheese.

After about five minutes Rosalie broke the comfortable silence.

"Is she even Italian?" I heard Rosalie ask.

I knew that Rosalie was not looking forward to meeting Bella.

"Her names Bella," Emmett replied.

Really Emmett?

"Like that makes any difference," I commented.

"I'm sure she'll love it no matter what," said Carlisle.

"But what if she doesn't like Italian?" I asked.

That could be a problem. All this effort for nothing.

"With my cookery skills this will be the best food she's ever had," replied Emmett.

"More like with the tv chefs cookery skills," I snorted.

"Ooo! Get a whiff of that," a voice said in the distance but we could hear it loud and clear.

"Hear comes the human," I could hear the annoyance in Rosalie's voice.

We heard footsteps on the stairs so Esme left her cooking station to go meet her. As Edward and Bella walked around the corner I got a hit in the face with the smell of blood. It smelt so good it took nearly all my will power to not go over to wear they were standing. If I did Edward would never forgive me for what I would do next.

"Bella we're making Italiano for you," Esme said looking at Bella.

"We're not posh mum you can just say Italian," I replied.

She gave me a look saying don't talk back.

"Bella this is Esme my.. mother," I then threw Edward a look after he hesitated before saying mother.

Whether he likes it or not this is our family. He just needs to except that.

"Bongiorno," said Bella.

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