1: Shattered

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Steven slowly fell down to the ground, his body still glowing in a bright pink hue. His mind was racing, wondering why, why hadn't he stopped? He should have stopped. Slowly, the glow faded, and his height and eyes went back to normal. He kneeled on the ground, looking at the huge pile of rocks below him. He began to wonder if he had proofed Jasper, and as he did he could feel his heart skip a beat, noticing a slight orange glimmer in the corner of his eye. Steven glanced over to see what it was, only to see Jasper's gem. He picked it up, relieved that she was only poofed, but as soon as he lifted it up to his eyes, he saw what he had actually done. The shards of the gem fell apart, and Steven's eyes grew wide. Shattered. He had shattered Jasper.

Steven ran as quickly as he could through the rain, as it soaked into his jacket. He didn't know why he hadn't stopped, only now he wished he had. He raced up the steps and burst through the front door to his house, seeing the gems but not stopping.
'Steven! Where were you, we've been worried sick!' Pearl cried, but Steven didn't answer. He ran into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. His eyes moved over to the cabnit, quickly prompting him to grab the bottles which had previously been used to heal the corrupted gems. Steven quickly threw them into the bath tub, and then took out the shards of Jasper's gem. He stared at them for a few seconds, as his eyes began to swell up with tears. He arranged the shards in the correct places, and quickly held them together in the bath tub, letting his tears fall, fearing for what he had done.

Steven gripped the shards even more, holding them in place, tears still falling into the water. He slowly opened his eyes, his ears beginning to ring as the weight of what he had done to Jasper slowly sank in. It wasn't working, but he refused to believe that Jasper was gone for good.
'Please, Jasper...' he said, quietly, his ears still ringing. Eventually, he sat on the bathroom floor, seeing Jasper's shards just floating in the water. He had killed her, he was worse than his mother. Sure, she left Spinel in the garden for 6,000 years, and faked her death, but she hadn't actually killed anyone. Steven's head sunk into his knees, as he screamed into the fabric of his jeans.

Time skip :)

Steven lay on his back, staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. The events of what he had done the day prior were still bouncing around his head, no matter how many times he tried to throw them away, they still came back around like a boomerang. It was like a scary movie that never leaves your mind. Steven kept seeing something in the corner of his eye, a figure, standing there, tall, but everytime he would look it would dissapear. Was he going insane? He couldn't tell the gems, he couldn't tell his dad, and he sure as hell couldn't tell Connie. They'd all leave him. Maybe it would be better if he tried to pretend it never happened. Atleast then he wouldn't have to tell anyone.

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