3: By The Roses

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Connie sat on the sofa in Steven's house, unable to tear her eyes away from the warp pad which she had watched her best fried flee on. As she sat, tears swelled in her eyes, knowing that she couldn't use the warp pad and had no way of finding Steven. Connie should have been home two hours ago, but she didn't care. She wanted to find Steven, and hoped with all her heart that he was safe. Suddenly, she heard running coming up the crooked wooden steps outside of the beach house, as Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet burst through the door.
'Connie? Have you seen Steven!?' Shouted a very worried Pearl.
'He was supposed to be at Little Homeworld and never showed up!' Amethyst exclaimed, equally as worried. Connie's head fell into her hands, tears flowing wildly from her eyes.
'Y-Yes, I saw him...'
'Where?!' Pearl shouted, her eyes widening with worry.
'He left using the warp pad two hours ago, and I don't know where he went.'
'I-I'm sorry Pearl.'
'Well we have to find him, he was acting weird yesterday and then today he never showed up at Little Homeworld!'

Time skip because I'm lazy, sorry

A warm breeze blew through Connie's hair, while she held her phone, sending message after message to Steven, hoping he would eventually respond. She didn't pay any attention to the beautiful forest that surrounded her, focusing purely on finding Steven, but having no luck.

Steven's POV

I have to run, I have to run as far as possible. I don't know where, but I don't care. Nobody can see me like this, not ever. I won't take the warp, they'll be able to find me. I'll run. I don't care how much it hurts, I'll keep running, running as far away from Beach City as possible. Maybe that will keep them safe, and that's all I want.

Back with the gems

Pearl walked through a huge meadow, but did not pay mind to the huge flowers they surrounded her. She looked far off into the distance, hoping to find Steven. Amethyst walked next to her, not bothering to start a conversation, as she knew it wouldn't be the right time. Atleast, not until they found Steven. As they walked, Amethyst noticed something in a patch of red roses.
'Hey, P. I found something.'
'If it isn't Steven then I'm not interested.' Pearl snapped back, annoyed. Amethyst kneeled down to get a good look at what it was, and her eyes went wide.
'It's Stevens jacket.'
'Wait, Steven's jacket!?' Pearl exclaimed, turning to Amethyst, and looking closely in the rose bush. Gently, she picked it up, noticing several tears in the fabric. Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears, as worry overtook her mind. She could barely look at it, and quickly handed it to Amethyst. As Amethyst looked over the jacket once again, she noticed a huge tear in the back.
'Why is there a tear in the back of Stevens jacket..?' She said quietly, before turning to Pearl, who was now looking at her with wide eyes.
'Pearl, we need to find him, right now.'
'Well how can we do that, we don't know where he is!'
'That's why we need to find him!'

With Steven

Steven continued to run, ignoring his burning lungs. Eventually, he came to a stop, seeing a huge cliff. The second he stopped, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He turned to see what it was, and was horrified at the sight of a huge pale pink spike.
'What?' He murmured, and he fell to his knees.

Sorry that this chapter is so short! I promise the next one will be much longer!

615 words

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