Chapter 7 I'm doing it because i love you

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Jacob's POV: 

I can't belive Edward wants me to leave MY Nessie (obviously thats NOT going to happen) but can't Edward see that she is happy with me? and wouldn't of said yes to marrying if she wasn't. Seriously i can't get my head around him. I recon i should tell Ness about this but i don't want her stressing or getting hurt for that matter, i love her more than everything and anyone. I wonder how she is getting on with Alice choosing a dress. Just then i let my mind wonder on her perfect figure on our wedding day but not to mention the most unimaginable gorgeous dress ever.

Renesmee's POV:

I wonder how Jake is getting on with the invitations, i'll call him.

"Hi Jake it's me just calling you, cause i was wondering how the invitations are getting on"

"Oh erm only four complete Ness, i need to tell you somthing, but before i do promise me you won't stress out" Jake shakely said

"ok" i said suddendly feeling nervous by Jakes tone.

"Well erm your dad stopped by and erm threathened me about the wedding , he dosen't want us to get married" Jake siad still in his shakey tone.

"WHAT!!" i yelled down the phone

"Yea i know he is really angry with me and WON'T let me get married, overprotected vampire"

"Owww Jakey what are we going to do now, i'm happy with you why can't my thick dad see that i am" i said fumming

"Ness calm down we will sort it" Jake asured me

"Okay, i have my dress and a honeymoon dress" i said for Jake to tick of our huge list

"Jake i'm gonna go now, guess i will see you at yours?" i questioned ending the tension throughout the phone call

"Bye Ness love ya" he said cooly

"Bye" was all i could manage and ended the call.

Alice was starring at me in slight confussion, "Alice what is it?" i asked

"Erm nothing, i'm fine really" Alice said still starring

"Argh Alice i can tell somthings wrong TELL ME!" i ordered knowing she was playing oblivious with me

"Please Ness make the right choice that's all she said. Choice to what me and Jake?, wedding invitations?, dress?. Anyway i have made the choice for all of them already. Deffinatily not leaving Jake just because my dad dosen't agree with it, not changing the guests, NEVER EVER change that dress. We where pulling into the driveway when my dad idiotically sprung infront of the car making Alice slam on her brakes. 


"Edward it's okay, come with me i need a word" Alice said sturnly

Seconds later Jake showed up opening the passenger door and offering his hand to help me out, i flintched out the way.

"Ness are you okay?" Jake questioned

"Yes fine" i said quickly

"I want you to go Jake" i sighed

"Why Nessie i thought you loved me" Jake questioned again

"I'm sending you away because i love you, if you stay here anything could happen with my dad being so unpredictable" i said kissing his forehead and practiall sprinting away to find my dad and Alice. I took one last look at Jake's shaken face and went inside, mortifiyed at what i'd done to Jake, but it's for his own benifit and protectionso in that way it's right.

"DAD, ALICE!!" i yelled wanting answers and explainations

"Yes hon" my dad said sweetly

"Don't talk to me like that" i said to him growling

"Ness what's up" my dad questioned

"Can everyone stop questioning me when no-one is giving me answers" i begged getting tired of all these questions

"okay whatever" my dad said slouching into his leather armchair

"You have some explaining to do" i said sturnly

"Okay whatever you want to know" my dad said 

"Why are you threatining Jake about out marriage" i asked

"Because i love you and after all you are only like seven, just because you age and grow quickly dosen't change the time you have been alive, your my little daughter and i don't want to loose you not at this age" my dad huffed

"So you and mom got married at a early age and had me, but you'll be glad to know i'm a virgin" i said grinning, knowing that will make my dad cringe.

"Okay too much information, fine do whatever you want" my dad said no longer kicking up a fuss or arguing

"Whatever me and Jake go through we will always stand by each other Always" i said glad i sorted one thing out.

Now it's Alice's turn for me to work my magic on.

"Dad where is Alice?" i asked

"She has gone hunting with Jasper, Esme and Carlisle." he told me

Argh she knew i would want answers from her and gone out hunting as her excuse. Damn it!  

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