Chapter 12 The Wedding

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Bella's POV:

I felt my heart racing, beating like a drum against my chest.

Today was the day; Renesmee would become Jacob's wife. I knew in my heart, in my soul, it was meant to be. I was proud of her and Jacob.

It feels like it was only yesterday, when I would tuck little Renesmee into bed and tell her how much I love her. Now, here with my husband Edward, I see a beautiful young girl, who is going to be married to a handsome werewolf.

As expected, Alice was the one to plan the whole wedding and Rose was the one to help her with her hair. "Kind of reminds me when you were getting married Bella." Alice said to me. I laughed and nodded my head. She had the same hairstyle as me and wore the same something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Her dress was beautiful pale cream with floral patterns embroidered on it the dress trailed a bit behind her as she gracefully trailed down the staircase.

"Oh mom!" Renesmee excitingly clapped and hugged me like a teddy bear, but being careful because of her hair and make up. "I am so happy for you darling." I whispered in her ear. She released me from the hug and looked me in the eyes. "Thank you mom." She smiled ever so sweetly. Her smile reminded me of daisies and her cheeks reminded me of roses. She was absolutely the most gorgeous daughter anyone could have ever asked for.

Edward walked up beside me and smirked. "My beautiful daughter, getting married to the man who once tried to take Bella from me."

I immediately turned to him and playfully shoved his side. "Edward!" I whispered loudly. But he didn't reply, he just laughed. "I swear you're such an ass sometimes." I jokingly said. "Ha! I know." He replied.

"Guys! Guys! Guys! The wedding is about to begin!" Alice squealed I her pixie voice. "Mom, what if I trip?" Renesmee whispered secretly to me. I smiled and said, "You won't. I said exactly the same thing as you. I love you." Then with that I kissed her forehead and gracefully ran to my seat. I looked over at Jacob, who was wearing a pitch black tux with a bright red rose in his pocket. He looked nervous, excited, scared, and happy. His eyes met mine and I shyly smiled and him and gave him a thumbs up.

Finally, the song began to play and everyone stood up, turning to where the bride would appear. Then, slowly but surely, Edward and Renesmee emerged, arm in arm, walking down the aisle. Renesmee's expression was exactly like mine when I was walking down the aisle with my father. She gripped Edward's arm tightly as they continued to walk to the music.

Finally, Edward took Renesmee's hand and placed it in Jacob's. Then he joined me as everyone sat down. "I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be giving up my daughter for a werewolf." Edward jokingly murmured in a low whisper. I laughed quietly as the priest was talking. I looked over to my side; Charlie was smiling brightly. Me and him looked at each other for a moment and I touched his hand. We both shared a smile.

"Do you, Jacob Black, take Renesmee Cullen to be your wife?"

All eyes turned to Jacob as his eyes were locked with my daughters.

"I do."

"And do you, Renesmee Cullen, take Jacob Black to be your husband?"

Renesmee's eyes immediately shifted to me and I smiled widely to her. Then she looked back into Jacob's eyes and said clearly; "I do."

"You may now, kiss the bride."

Jacob pulled Renesmee close and passionately kissed her lips. A roar of clapping grew as everyone stood up and cheered. It was a beautiful day, December 1st to be exact, and my daughter's last name would now be Black.

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