t h i r t y s e v e n

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"i killed his brother, i would hate me too," jimin said.

"you were just scared that someone else would make the same mistake you did."

"i didn't even get to tell him about jinyoung and jaebeom's real story. he ran out because he was so upset. i'm supposed to be his best friend, not the cat he hates."

yoongi sighed. "don't worry, he might feel resentful towards you right now, but i don't think he hates you."

jimin nodded his head while walking with yoongi towards taehyung's house.


"i have no friends, namjoon."

"not even your cat yoongi?" namjoon asked confused.

taehyung had called namjoon as soon as he ran out of the animal shelter because he needed someone to talk to, but couldn't think of anyone else, but the male sitting across from him in his living room.

"yoongi wasn't even my cat and he's gone," taehyung cried. "i love him and miss him so much already."

"i thought yoongi was your cat?"

taehyung shook his head. "yoongi was just helping me with something, but we fell in love. jimin said we couldn't."

namjoon raised an eyebrow, even more confused. "who's jimin?"

taehyung bitterly chuckled. "you're right, who is jimin? he's for sure not my best friend anymore. he's a liar and he lied to me this whole time. did you know that he killed my brother?"


"well, he did. that's why he wouldn't let me and yoongi be together. he thought we would make the same mistake as him. and then, he had the audacity to even apologize, can you believe that?"

namjoon said nothing. he just let taehyung freely speak.

"apologizing won't undo what he did to my brother."

namjoon nodded as if understanding, but he hardly knew what was going on.

"i used to hate animals, especially cats, but then as jimin was talking, i realized that i never hated cats, i hated jimin all along. he was the one responsible for seokjin's death."

"why did you hate cats?" namjoon asked as what taehyung was saying wasn't making sense.

"because jimin is the calico cat that killed my brother."

namjoon slowly nodded. he was about to excuse himself to leave because he didn't know what taehyung was saying when the front door suddenly opened.

"do you not knock?" taehyung asked annoyed as he saw jimin standing in the doorway.

"we came to talk," said yoongi as he appeared in the doorway as well.

"yoongi?" taehyung asked confused. "but you were..." he couldn't even bring himself to finish the sentence because he was so surprised and confused to see yoongi in his human form.

now, namjoon was beyond confused. he decided that it would be best to leave. "i'm sorry taehyung, i have to go, i hope you can talk to jimin," he said unaware that jimin was standing in the doorway. "goodbye."

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