Chapter thirteen

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Corey and James were holding Kevin as I ordered to put him in the car of those strangers who hit him.

Then i went to them: "Okay, no talking, we're both in a rush so let's go to the hospital. NOW!

Everyone got in one car, my bestfriend's blood in my hands. A pregnant lady screaming from pain, her poor husband is having a mental break down. And in one moment, I realized how messed up the world can be in such a short, sudden period of time. We can't do anything about it but hope for the best, and wait for destiny to take place.

We got to the hospital, as they took Kevin to do surgery. And we stayed there waiting for his parents.

After a little while with no speaking to each other, James comes to me asks me to go on a walk with him in the hospital's garden.

"how are you feeling?" I asked.

"I am going a little crazy, a lot is happening I've never thought i could handle this much pressure."

I stopped walking and held his hand. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry i dragged you in hell with me. James you deserve better."

"Hey hey shut up will you? You saved me, you have no idea what I would be doing right now if it wasn't for you." I looked at him in his eyes and it seemed like he was about to cry. "I would be at home listening to all of the trash my dad calls me everyday. You literally saved me."

"I got your note, and i've been thinking so much about what you said in the end."

"Don't think, say what you feel." he interrupted.

"I feel like my life is way better, easier and sweeter with you in it. I have never believed in high school romance but this... James we've already been through a lot, and we were all in it together. If love is about sacrifice, caring, helping, making someone happier, changing them to someone they never thought they will be, you know just being there, present in their life, holding their hand when everything is messed up then I love you and you shall not doubt it."

He grabbed me closer to him as he leaned in a sweet passionate kiss.

"I promise, as long as I am alive, I would never let anyone touch you, hurt you. I am now and always, here and only to protect you and give you all the love you deserve."

It was the best feeling. It was love. When someone loves someone, they're always there for them, to protect them from getting hurt, to showing them the meaning of life, so when it gets hard, when it really sucks , they don't feel the worst. A hug, a kiss, a word, they make everything up for them. And when life is being unfair, they force it into being fair. Simply, when you love someone, you love yourself, you love the whole entire world by its good and bad moments. And you make every single memory, count.

We got back inside the hospital , Corey was talking to his brother on the phone, James was talking to kevin's parents and there I was, trying to sneak out to see Kevin.

I found a chair, I grabbed our agenda from my bag, held kevin's hands:"Hello there stranger, you have no idea how it feels to not have someone to talk to about your love life even if it's for 2 hours. We never separated, even on the days we would be mad at each other for those stupid pranks we pull. You know, I felt it the first day I saw you. When i was stuck on the playing ground and you came to help me. I'm holding all of our memories right now, our agenda, the agenda of our destiny, because all what happened to us was supposed to happen. Are you ever going to be satisfied if only the good things happened, that is what you would say if you could talk right now. Woah this is really old, our first memory, ten years ago man. It was when you hurt yourself with that bike and you came to me saying that I should never use my bike because bikes are mean, It's funny you wrote this down. "Emma is mean she didn't want to go out and play, she says she has homework to do what a liar". Our first fight Kevin remember. "It's weird how we can laugh remembering what we cried about. And cry over what we laughed about." I couldn't stop myself and I started crying like a kid again.

"Kevin please, do not leave me. You can not imagine how bad my life would be without you. Kevin you are the strongest human being I have ever known, and if i can do anything i'll do it. Your skin looks so pale, and i can't see you like this." I squeezed his hands and wiped my tears."Kevin, you have to come back to me, to us, all the people that love you. And I want to make more memories with you no matter what they are. I just lost my favorite person in the world and I am not losing my second. Please if you hear me, please open your eyes. " Then I started screaming when everyone came in and they forced me to get out.

James came and pulled me into a tight cuddle while I was trying hit him but my power went off and that was all what I remembered before waking up in a hospital bed, a baby in my hands and James lying next to me. what the actual fuck?

"Uh what is going James?"

"You had a baby, we're parents." He chuckled.

"Huh? what?!"

"Relax i'm just kidding, you passed out in my arms from low blood pressure."

"What about the baby? what about Kevin how is he?"

"Chill, this is the baby that the people whom hit Kevin had."

"oh my god it's so pretty, i hope its mom is doing okay."

"she is, and she thanked you for everything you've done."

"The woman,the dad and the baby were going to get hurt. I couldn't blame them at that time. But what happened Kevin where is he James?" Trying to get off the bed.

"He's good Emma just don't make an effort, he has woken up right now and everyone is in the room with him."

"I have to see him." I got out of my room holding James's hands to follow me.

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