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I'm going, oh I'm going home
Canyon Moon - Harry Styles


The bus pulls up to a stop and I can see Zoë's car in the parking lot.

I haven't stopped smiling since I got out of Harry's car. I keep replaying this morning over and over, and the kiss is on an infinite loop in my head. I wish it didn't have to end. If I didn't have to come home for Zoë's graduation, I would have stayed with him without a second thought.

I grab my bag off the seat next to me and stand up to leave the bus. As soon as I step out of the bus and start heading towards the car, Zoë is sprinting in my direction. I hold my arms out to catch her and her body slams into mine. She wraps her arms around my neck, and I wrap my arms around her back.

"Hi!" She squeals, "Oh my God, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too." The feeling of being back home and holding Zoë nearly brings me to tears. I can't put into words how much I missed her.

We stand there in each other's arms for who-knows-how-long before I finally pull away.

"Ugh, okay, let's go. Mom and Dad took the day off so we could hang out, and Josh is really excited." She tugs me to the car and hops in the driver's seat before I can even open the passenger door.

The whole drive home, Zoë tells me about how crazy her last couple weeks of school were and how unbelievably excited she is to be out. I listen to her intently, but find my mind drifting off to thoughts of Harry. I forgot to tell him that I made it to my hometown safe.

I reach for my phone that is resting in my lap and send him a quick text.

Within seconds he responds:

There goes another perfectly good testimony. I swear the police were already on their way.

I can't help the ridiculous smile that takes over my face. It's so outrageous, it doesn't go by Zoë unnoticed.

"I haven't seen you smile that big since Josh was born. What the hell has gotten into you?" She asks, periodically glancing at me as she drives.

With everything I have, I try to hide my grin. I rest my head against the headrest and turn to look at her.

I had already planned on telling her everything that has happened with Harry. I'm too excited to keep it to myself, and it wouldn't sit right with me if I didn't say anything.

She gives me a worried look. "What?"

I bite my bottom lip, further attempting to stop myself from smiling as I say, "I have so much to tell you."

My response makes a bewildered expression take over her face. "Did you have an orgasm before you got on that bus? Why the hell are you smiling like that, it's freaking me out."

"Zoë! No!" I gasp.

"Okay, then what is it?" She pushes.

I take a deep breath, trying to drag out the moment as long as possible. I always like to tease Zoë, especially when it comes to things I know she's actually interested in. She hates it, and right now I'm hating it too.

"Harry kissed me." I say simply.

"What?" Zoë exclaims and nearly runs through a stop light.

The blush instantly finds its way into my cheeks. I can't stop giggling.

"Layne!" Her whole body turns to face me, her eyebrows raised in shock. "Are you serious?"

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