t h i r t y f i v e

Start from the beginning

"you're not turning into a cat," jimin said. "you've learned your lesson."

"didn't yoongi learn his lesson too?" taehyung asked as he couldn't help, but want yoongi to remain a human with him.

"he did, but that was after turning into a cat," jimin explained.

"now, i just help people avoid the same fate as me," yoongi said.

taehyung frowned. "will you be helping other people as well?"

yoongi chuckled, sensing that taehyung was jealous. "yeah, i will." but my heart only belongs to you.

"can we go to taehyung's house and say our goodbyes there," jungkook asked as he noticed the time. they would be closing up in five minutes.

jimin nodded. "yeah, we can go to taehyung's house."

and so, they locked up the store after those five minutes and jungkook walked alongside taehyung, holding his hand.

yoongi had an urge to reach out and hold taehyung's hand as well. he held himself back, afraid of what jimin would say, but that didn't stop him from occasionally brushing his hand against taehyung's.

jimin was walking behind them while thinking about taehyung and how mad or upset he would be when he found out the truth.

as they arrived at taehyung's house, jungkook let go of his hand to let him unlock the door before letting everyone in and closing the door behind him.

"first off, i'd like some cheeseballs before i go," yoongi said the moment he stepped foot in taehyung's kitchen.

"i want some cheeseballs too!" jungkook added as he followed yoongi. "and some chocolate!"

taehyung chuckled before pulling out the cheeseballs and chocolate from the pantry. he handed them to jungkook who happily accepted them and began to eat while feeding yoongi too.

they all headed to the living room and sat on the floor together in a circle, sharing cheeseballs with each other.

jimin made a sour face as he tasted a cheeseball for the first time.

"i can't believe this is your first time eating a cheeseball," taehyung said surprised.

"i can't believe he didn't like it," jungkook said while taking the cheeseball out of jimin's hand and eating it for him.

"i prefer my cat food," said jimin.

yoongi shoved another cheeseball in his mouth since jungkook wasn't feeding him some anymore. "i don't like cat food very much. i'm going to miss human food."

"especially cheeseballs," taehyung chuckled.

yoongi smiled. "especially cheeseballs."

the group of friends talked some more as they ate together, all but jimin who didn't like the taste and before they knew, it was already time for yoongi and jungkook to go.

jungkook gave taehyung a very tight hug and made him promise to always remember him whenever he ate chocolate. then he began to softly cry as he told taehyung that he was his first human friend and that he would miss him so much.

taehyung promised he'd always remember him even if he didn't eat chocolate. then he told jungkook how glad he was to have met his first bunny friend and that he would miss him just as much.

when it came time for taehyung to hug yoongi goodbye, he couldn't help, but begin to tear up.

"why are you crying?" yoongi asked as he pulled taehyung into a hug. "we're still going to see each other."

"taehyung, it's almost time," jimin said as he looked at the clock. they had been talking the whole night and it was almost midnight, meaning it was almost time for yoongi and jungkook to go.

"i'm going to miss you," taehyung whispered in between tears.

"i'm going to miss you too, but please don't cry," yoongi said as he rubbed taehyung's back to comfort him. "you're going to make me cry too."

"yoongi, i have something to tell you."

"what is it?"

taehyung glanced at the clock that read two minutes before midnight. he then glanced at jungkook who was watching with sad eyes.

taehyung decided that he was going to listen to the bunny, so he leaned close to yoongi's ear and whispered, "i love you, yoongi."

before yoongi could even say anything, taehyung quickly pressed his against yoongi's and stepped back as he watched the familiar sparkly cloud of dust appear for the last time. he watched as it not only engulfed yoongi but jungkook as well.

jimin put a hand on taehyung's shoulder as taehyung stared down at the now bunny and fluffy white cat with striking blue eyes that he came to love.

he wiped away his tears from his eyes as his vision began to get blurry. "it's okay, taehyung." jimin tried to reassure, but taehyung said nothing as he dropped to his knees and hugged both the bunny and cat close to him.

before jimin could scoop up the animals in his arms, taehyung gave jungkook a small kiss to the bunny's head. he gave the cat a kiss on his forehead as well before he whispered "i love you, yoongi," once again, just to make sure that yoongi knew.

"i have to take them back to the animal kingdom," jimin said while carrying yoongi and jungkook in his hands. "but i told you that you learned your lesson because if you hadn't you would have turned into a cat after you kissed yoongi, but you didn't you're still here," he smiled. " i have to go now, i'll see you at work, taehyung."

taehyung watched as jimin left with yoongi and jungkook, the cat letting out a whine as taehyung closed the door behind them. he fell onto the floor, tears falling down his face again as wished that he would have been able to love yoongi.


double update coming later

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